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Everything posted by Ike

  1. PSA on IGN’s homepage that Shitfield’s maps are garbage.
  2. Not even close. Quit bullshitting. This was supposed to save Xbox and Microshit spent billions to acquire a studio for this filthy flop. Not even brightness settings.
  3. Still an utter embarrassment for damage control and way less resources and teams for that versus something coming from a large studio with Microsoft funding. Stop trying to downplay. Shitfield doesn’t even an FOV slider for christ sakes.
  4. Lems really trying to damage control by saying a game made by one guy is worse than a game made by a large corporation. So fucking pathetic.
  5. You can’t even really explore space. The open world in this is very restrictive. No Man’s Sky is better.
  6. The PS5 version is out next week and the Xbox version is still just some time this year. Lemmings truly taking all the Ls.
  7. Maybe when they release it on PS5 after they see GP numbers and it barely moves 2mil on PC.
  8. Looks awesome. Great evolution for 2d Mario.
  9. Microshit dubbed it themselves the most important rpg of all time. Yes, it is undoubtedly the biggest flop ever in gaming.
  10. Seems like they are just anticipating gamers giving up on Shitfield and turning to a good rpg experience instead.
  11. Nah, my gf who loves Skyrim and Fallout 4 has 0 interest in this.
  12. Count the Xbox fan sites and remove those and see what the real score is.
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