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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The racism is a feature not a bug of the modern day GOP. I’m sure someone here would defend it if inter-racial marriage was abolished.
  2. Seriously, the only anti-abortion arguments are all religious ones and I’m pretty sure there’s a thing in the constitution about that: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof“ The right really just wants the country to be ran like a Christian version of Afghanistan.
  3. Saucer isn’t interested in arguing the actual merits or points brought up. He just argues in bad faith. See: Fascist leader speaking at CPAC thread.
  4. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/ceo-pay-gains-far-outpace-rising-wages-says-new-union-report-2022-07-18/ https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ceo-pay-rose-18-percent-while-worker-wages-trailed-inflation/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/29/business/oil-company-buybacks.html 324x more than average earners for CEOs. Oh and all that oil profits, right back in to buying back their stocks.
  5. You must watch and read a lot of Ben Sharpio. There was never a lie there in the title. Just bad inference by the reader.
  6. If you’ve been keeping up with the news honey, you’d know pretty much every company reported record profits the last year or two with CEO pay far outpacing that of the average worker. You’re just sucking at that corporate teet and still think Reganomics works.
  7. https://www.wsj.com/articles/chevron-posts-record-11-6-billion-quarterly-profit-11659090268 Or how about all the companies given free money with PPP loans that cut jobs, bought back stocks, and are still raising prices? E.G. Airline companies? All while still cancelling flights.
  8. Post above you about a nearly 300% YoY profit increase and a 74% quarterly increase in profit but this isn’t about corporate greed at all.
  9. I said he’s speaking at CPAC and this is a direct quote from the guy. Nice trying to argue semantics instead of calling out racism. Wouldn’t expect anything less for you.
  10. I didn’t say he said it speaking there. He is slotted to speak at CPAC though and said this earlier in the week with no mentioning of cancelling. Not surprised though since the GOP is just fascism jr.
  11. So if he’s so worried about people turning to abortion, incel Saucer must be totally for a well-funded and comprehensive sex education program for public schools right? With classes on the proper use of birth control and free access for all those who wish to use it right?
  12. “This is why we have always fought: we are willing to mix with one another, but we do not want to become peoples of mixed-race.” https://abouthungary.hu/speeches-and-remarks/speech-by-prime-minister-viktor-orban-at-the-31-st-balvanyos-summer-free-university-and-student-camp
  13. Begji will be begging for all those PSVR2 exclusives by year’s end.
  14. Lemmings been celebrating last place for a decade now. Last place in AAAs and sales. Xbox
  15. ExxonMobil and Chevron both reported record massive profits thanks to record gasoline prices during the quarter. Exxon's profit, excluding special items, came to $17.6 billion in the second quarter, nearly double what it made in its very profitable first quarter as oil and gas prices started to soar in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Second-quarter profit was up 273% from the same period a year ago. Chevron earned $11.4 billion excluding special items, up 74% from the first quarter and 247% from a year ago. But Biden
  16. Fucking gross Twinkie is even beginning to defend this. This is simply for medical care for our veterans who stood next to burning garbage while deployed. I’m a veteran and you can go fuck yourself and play in traffic
  17. Making up numbers for Xbox out of thin air because MS is too chicken shit to release them PS5 still sold out and XSS widely available and still losing. Also, Slimepass would be LUCKY to have half of those PS+ numbers
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