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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Says the person who is debating it's better to wait over a year simply because "I get der higher numbers and stuff."
  2. 9/10 and exclusively on PS5. Keep sucking your own dick though.
  3. The right and it's obsession with other people's genitals and healthcare. Don't even realize they're just being force fed culture wars while the rich rob them blind and get to blame immigrants, ethnic minorities, and LGBTQ+ people and all while raping the planet of its natural resources leaving them with nothing at the end for all that bootlicking.
  4. Hermits really do believe their own bullshit. They're all in here and every other thread:
  5. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Already moved on from this more than a year ago.
  6. 18 month wait. Also, don't see you saying anything about MS's janky releases no matter the console. How's Halo doing?
  7. Hermits, "Waiting is better than playing it now."
  8. Moving on a Ragnarok and these beggars playing an 18 month old game.
  9. God that's so embarrassing. Imagine a marketing and all the teams and work that went on just to give out this.
  10. Yeah the book is super sexual and this is a confirmed NC-17. Ana De Armas is a fucking fox. Can't wait.
  11. Trash network that was spreading lies. Good riddance.
  12. Here comes the bootlicker who's just a disgraced a billionaire in waiting. Haven't picked yourself up by them bootstraps yet?
  13. Those tax cuts that passed during the Trump admin. sure did help trickle down the wealth didn't it.
  14. Microsoft just seeing how much degradation the lemmings can take. They sure do love taking up the ass though.
  15. Having to spend 30+ minutes just to get games your running. Hermits
  16. Imagine being this fucking stupid.
  17. https://www.baystatebanner.com/2022/07/20/corporate-profits-climb-as-inflation-rises/ But yes, let's play the president who has no control over the "free market". And according to an April report from the Economic Policy Institute, nearly 54% of recent inflationary pressure can be attributed to corporate profits, compared to 11.4% during the last inflationary period between 1979 to 2019. Less than 8% of current inflation can be attributed to rising labor costs. I wouldn't expect anything less from GOP supporters, they love getting grifter. Wouldn't be surpri
  18. Nearly 30 years since this episode aired and not much has changed.
  19. You mean with the exclusive best platformer of the 10 years PSVR, Astro Bot? Or exclusive best survival horror game ever RE7 in VR? With both RE8&RE4 VR modes on the way?
  20. No Starfield and this lineup really going to make those numbers pop for the rest of the year too
  21. I honestly think Switch 2 was going to happen instead of the OLED model but the pandemic and resulting chip shortages threw off that schedule. Probably had already sourced the OLED screens for the new model.
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