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Everything posted by Ike

  1. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/roberts-failed-to-persuade-kavanaugh-to-uphold-roe-1388075/ Fairly obvious now that the leaker was a conservative staffer. Quiet on all fronts now to find the leaker too.
  2. Damn, TCHBR. That was the huge trailer in one of their shows too.
  3. Nope, I didn't ever once mention that until you brought it up first. Don't give what you can't take. Unless you're someone's wife, in which case this whole thread was bringing someone's wife into it.
  4. How's that XSX version of FFVIIR coming along? Lems were so certain they'd get it too. at the MS conference.
  5. Sony will never cannibalize their console business. Sorry but that's a pipedream.
  6. Are you a lemming or a hermit? You do seem like to have nothing to play with so you end up playing old stuff. Probably like your sex life. Also, not married.
  7. No one is begging for any old games to come to PS+. We played them already unlike the lems who barely just got FF on their console and still don't have the 10/10 FFVIIR at all.
  8. So looking around 18 months is the normal PS5 console exclusivity length for most games on average. That seems fair. I could see it going down to one year later.
  9. You mean the games they played 25 years ago before Xbox even existed?
  10. So Nintendo still wins, got it. Thank you for supporting such an amazing game company.
  11. XB version? Fuck, the original Remake hasn't (and probably never will) come out on that garbage POS. It was more than a year for the original to make it to PC too.
  12. Can I buy a copy of the game on PC? No, it's not on there. You stole it. Thief.
  13. But we get to play the version with the higher numbers WAY later. No wonder you all are called hermits.
  14. Look at these salty lems. If FFVII-2 is coming winter next year (meaning early 2024), probably going to be 2025 until it comes to PC at the earliest. Can understand the butthurt when they don't get to play the sequel to the best JRPG of the last few years.
  15. So pumped. Day one. I hope Sony Japan is working on Astro Bot 2. The original was the most inventive platofrming game since Galaxy 1.
  16. Awesome. I got lucky too on Sony Direct in December after it launched.
  17. Xbox continues to be the most worthless console brand in history. Shame Sega had to go and fuck up so hard that the actual good competition was lost.
  18. That Bush family that hates Trump is just sooooo full of Democrats.
  19. Also, the lies of saying Trump doesn’t support this. Next they’ll be claiming this was doctored.
  20. Here’s already the conspiracy shit. You guys have like a negative IQ. Let’s not believe exactly what’s in front of our faces. Also, this may be fringe but if there is one person sitting at a table and talking with 3 Nazis, there’s 4 Nazis at the table.
  21. Damn that sucks. This is really the first time where I have no idea what's in store for this next episode. I'm ready for it.
  22. Funny how only one party constantly has the support of racists and nazis.
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