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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Only 4 more BCS episodes left ever. BUT ALSO IT'S FUCKING MONDAY SO GIVE ME THAT SHIT NOW!
  2. For a day and then everyone would go back to playing Apex or COD. Halo doesn't have anything beyond nostalgia and newer audiences don't care since the product has been mediocre for over 10 years now.
  3. Halo without Bungie will never work. Period. Dead franchise that no one cares about.
  4. 343 one of the worst developers around. Halo isn't even relevant at all anyways.
  5. I need to play this series eventually. Just don’t have time for a 50+ hr JRPG.
  6. Notice how he didn’t touch what I said. Facts don’t matter.
  7. And then in here trying to say it’s good and in the same breath making fun of “movie games”
  8. Also, arguing with a Canadian about US politics.
  9. “We need to fight like hell.” when he knew the crowd was armed and intentionally removed all metal detectors and while knowing and seeing the violence sent out a tweet about Mike Pence failing him. He’s also well within his rights to question in it in a court of law where he resounding lost every single case. “I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps I'd be dating her.”
  10. No, all the games you’ve claimed under PS+ will stay on your account. Extra also allows you access to their game catalog.
  11. Steve Bannon found guilty and in contempt of court for not testifying and submitting documents
  12. Looking at the output for the PS2 era is insane from Rockstar. They're just so profitable from GTA:O that they probably don't have to put in the effort. Such a shame. I'd enjoy a new Bully or a new Manhunt. I wonder if they'll even make anything beyond GTA6 for this gen. Maybe RDR3?
  13. They're appealing to their base. Can't say they haven't been saying they would do since Roe v. Wade was first decided upon. Dems say a bunch of shit but essentially do nothing. Congress has been passing stuff in the last couple of weeks like marriage equality and right to contraception which almost all GOP members voted no upon.
  14. Those drone thing are annoying. I'm not a huge fan of forced stealth. I get it in this particular case but still annoying.
  15. I'm still unsure about that. I hope there's another blue wave but midterms are going to be competitive af.
  16. Memory supplement and medical device ads on Fox News instead of showing this.
  17. Headline right now on Fox News during the Ingrahm Angle, “Trump predicted EU would be slaves to Russian energy.” and playing clips of people praising their supreme leader.
  18. Trump trying to record his post insurrection speech, “Yesterday is a hard word for me.”
  19. I should probably lock this thread
  20. BTW Fox News is airing ads for beet chews.
  21. He sat in the dining room and watched Fox News for 2.5 hrs after he knew about the attack.
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