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Everything posted by Ike

  1. One of the best songs from an incredible OST
  2. They're watered down and less impressive than a PS5 on a 4K tv playing with a DualSense. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy in this sentiment.
  3. It's funny you downplay Switch's technical prowess but choose to game on a significantly weaker handheld than a PS5.
  4. That's who this ruling is going to hurt most. Poor families from poor states that only teach abstinence because Jesus. They have no social net to assist these mothers and essentially blame them for struggling after the kid is born. The USA also has the largest mortality rate among birthing mothers amongst the "developed" countries of the world. This is going to affect a lot of people and the country is going to be significantly worse in 20-30 years than it is now. It was rough especially dealing with my insane ex and her family. I felt alone a lot of that time despite being marrie
  5. I need more time to play. Weather was super nice this past weekend so couldn't pass it up and also working on a major project at work with a deadline of tomorrow. Plus kids and chores and regular life stuff. Being an adult with responsibilities sucks sometimes. You get way more money but way less time to enjoy stuff.
  6. How can anyone defend childish behavior? This is the dude they make homoerotic pictures with his face on Rambo.
  7. My ex's family is loaded and my parents already own some property outside their own home so my kids should be fine. I did have them younger which I think was both a positive and a negative. I'm 33 now and both my kids will be an adult before I'm 45. The downside was that my 20s was spent mostly being a father. It's all good though. My 30s have been much better than my 20s anyhow. Kids right now are at their best. My little boy always wants to play Smash Bros. with me and is getting pretty good. May even beat me one day.
  8. You must have missed the Xbox Showcase where they padded it with expansions for ESO, FO76, and SoT. They also hyped up Hot Wheels expansion to FH.
  9. That was literally the biggest thing coming to SlimePass for 2022.
  10. It's outpatient and the recovery time is like 3 days. Just ask for ativan or something before hand and smoke some weed. You'd be all good.
  11. I really hope there's more diversity to the zones than what they've shown. Also, the world looks so barren. I have 0 faith on Sonic Team to deliver. They haven't made good Sonic since Colors.
  12. You guys are missing out ngl. The peace of mind is too good especially with this new ruling. Unlimited creampies
  13. Also, I'd like to know how many people here are basing their feelings on the issue on deeply held religious beliefs (Which, can be argued here) versus those just arguing because "their side" won. This isn't about helping women or unborn children, otherwise there would be several social programs to assist them. It's pretty apparent in this thread who doesn't have kids. ( I don't think anyone here besides me honestly) I just hope none of you have any daughters.
  14. Two kids already, boy (7) and girl (10). I'm done.
  15. I'm glad I got a vasectomy already.
  16. I'm guessing we'll get a direct some time next month or even August with this info. Probably after Xeno3 launches.
  17. Sonic Frontiers looks even emptier than Breath of the Wild
  18. P5 Royal for Switch. Glad I waited to buy it. Pretty legit year.
  19. I know. The heat is getting too much for my winter style. It looks fine once I put product in but want to switch over to my summer cut. My gf is a former hair stylist so I get awesome, free cuts. 🙂
  20. The humor is still on point. I’m constantly chuckling.
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