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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Damn Hermslobs really are getting so excited over a 4 year old game.
  2. Meh, I’ll watch but it looks pretty bad.
  3. It literally looks like a Sonic avy in a Phantasy Star Online game.
  4. This will probably sell best on Switch anyways.
  5. Imagine having an Xbox and being excited for their garbage show. TLHBFR
  6. Sonic Team one of the worst developers around. I’d rather play Sonic 2006 before this.
  7. Or hear me out…it’s just going to be the announcement of the PS5/XSX versions of 2/3.
  8. Seeing racist Celtics fans lose at home.
  9. “Exciting” third party reveals. The only other thing I could think of is a 2022 release date drop for FFXVI, which is entirely possible. Game is in the final steps and going to be incredible.
  10. Also could also be our first look at RE4 Remake.
  11. We’ll be getting a date in 2022 for Ragnarok.
  12. Enjoy if you haven’t. Best gameplay, sound design, and map in gaming. A total blast to play even if it’s hard af. That loop get pretty addicting.
  13. I only watched halfway to avoid spoilers. Getting the limited edition on this one.
  14. This would probably be my choice of game to have with me on a deserted island. Music, control, courses, everything in that game is perfect. Except Tubular. Fuck that bitch ass stage to hell for eternity.
  15. Suns-Mavs really could go either way. Don’t care who wins now as long as Celts get bounced tonight.
  16. Let me know when you do. I can do co-op. I hit a damn wall and think co-op could help. It’s a damn fine game. Headphones, preferably if you have the 3D audio, is mandatory. Best sound design ever dude.
  17. Spider-Man 2 Infinity War Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  18. My gf has been using that and loves it. I’ve tried it a few times and it’s great for gaming. Wouldn’t use it for work though lol as I rely on that number pad a lot.
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