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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Half of my life has been spent on these forums. Joined when I was 14, 33 now.
  2. Crazy Taxi was legit. One of my favorites on Dreamcast for sure.
  3. The output from the PS2 gen to now for Rockstar is insane in its disparity. Literally been milking the same game for a decade now.
  4. The two episode premier of Atlanta was spectacular. The first episode was a complete standout and so captivating. It’s a must watch episode of television that is deserving of awards but since this is considered comedy it won’t be recognized but goddamn what a story. It continues to be one of the most original and daring shows on tv. Excited for more episodes this season.
  5. Oh and again the only reason this happens is because people will be forced to buy Xbox as a second choice console because PS5 stock is limited. So many disappointments for kids incoming when they open up a Series S’s ugly ass speaker.
  6. Returnal, Ratchet, Spider-Man Complete Edition (Just Miles Morales if you played the original), and Horizon 2 all good games to purchase. Also, the pack-in Astro Bot is very good.
  7. Sounds like a great sub $30 purchase later on
  8. Lemji the first in here to defend daddy dearest. BTW, this game will suck and this franchise has always been over promised and underdelivered trash. No wonder lems slobber all over it.
  9. Yeah that was always a weird thing along with the Bluetooth. Wouldn’t be Nintendo though without adding features that always should have been there.
  10. https://venturebeat.com/2022/03/18/despite-its-beautiful-ori-games-moon-studio-is-called-an-oppressive-place-to-work/ Only original games worth a shit too to come out from MS Studio
  11. Perfect Dark for N64 got a 9.9 on GS and was one of finest FPSs for its time and superior to GoldenEye in virtually every way. But that was pre-MS.
  12. Yes, I see the clipping and pop-in for sure. Character models are last gen. Environments look nice. It looks like a great game for fans. Combat looks fun once you start getting more spells. I like that the progress is tied to classes in school. Probably take a whole school year for the game.
  13. Is the story as ridiculous as the trailers made it out to be? It seriously looks like a parody.
  14. I’m going to watch it in a bit but this one has been on my radar since it was last shown. An open word Hogwarts has been a fan’s dream forever. Looking forward to it.
  15. Watched Doctor Sleep again with my gf who hadn’t watched it. Man, what a great film and one of finest horror sequels ever. I had only watched it once but rewatching it is almost better than first.
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