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Everything posted by Ike

  1. GT7’s car models look better than FH5. Forbidden West is better than anything on Xbox graphically.
  2. Zac Taylor with one of the poorest coaching jobs I’ve ever seen too in the 2nd half. Play calling was downright atrocious with zero adjustments.
  3. Congrats @Hot Sauce It was an all-time great game until the refs determined the outcome in the end.
  4. Refs completely affected that drive in the worst way possible. All game not calling anything and then calling borderline bs when it matters. Horrible.
  5. Better Call Saul season 6 part one confirmed for April premier from the Super Bowl Ad today.
  6. Use it to your advantage. Make her submissive and she’ll probably love it.
  7. Talk it over, have good communication, and explore. It’s just sex dude. Lol
  8. Rams going to Rams up the 2nd half. Niners would’ve made it more entertaining.
  9. https://reddit.nflbite.com/game/cincinnati-bengals-vs-los-angeles-rams-live-stream/ here’s a list of streams
  10. That’s the paradox with the series. It’s so successful even with the minimum upgrades they made for 20+ years. GameFreak also operates wholly separate from Nintendo and are not great developers. I do think they need outside help at least technically for their series. I’m going to play it after my son finishes it since I got it for him for his birthday.
  11. Been napping on me for over an hour now
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