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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I wish they’d make a sequel to Rush of Blood. One of my favorite PSVR games and always my choice to let people experience VR for the first time.
  2. I plugged in my NES and SNES mini yesterday. Playing through Super Castlevania IV. A true masterpiece and my favorite in the series. Also, to get in the spirit, played some Turtles 3 on NES. Fuck the game is hard as shit just like I remember. It’s not cheap or anything but one boss took like 40+ hits and I didn’t kill him. Needs to be co-oped.
  3. He makes more money as a producer and from his headphones than he ever did as a performer lol
  4. How’s the actual SRPG section? Hopefully the battles are at least fun. I remember their being some crafting and they planning stuff in the camp too. Also, how’s the music? Octopath is still my favorite OST of the gen.
  5. I had just got a $50 Amazon gift card so thought what the hell? Lol
  6. There’s a demo up to chapter 3 that will let you save and continue in the retail release if you’re interested.
  7. Mario Strikers looks fun af and will be huge online I’m sure as do the online modes for Switch Sports. But yeah, I definitely see what they did. Still it’s only $25 if you don’t subscribe so it’s not like they’re charging full price or anything. Also, as long as they still design the 4 new cups like a standard Mario game, it’s awesome they’re just updating the legacy courses.
  8. $50/year plus all the additional content making NSO sound easily worth the price. I’ve the read the emulation was just updated and improved.
  9. Nor Shredders Revenge. Hopefully saving it for the next Nindies Direct.
  10. No Man’s Sky running really smoothly on Switch
  11. 40 minutes should be a meaty show too. Release schedule probably up to E3.
  12. Not Another Teen Movie was the last spoof movie that was good. After that, they made all those awful, awful ones that sucked hard. Crazy Chris Evan’s came from this to be Captain America too.
  13. Getting hyped for this (Expecting disappointment)
  14. Not officially confirmed but I assume it’s likely to follow what Octopath did. Square really doesn’t do exclusives anymore for anything apart from timed exclusivity.
  15. Capcom has released two MH games for Switch so far as timed exclusives and Octopath and Triangle Strategy are both timed exclusives from SE. lol.
  16. Diablo 2/3 and Overwatch were on Switch already so just looks like they acquired them to keep on doing what they’re doing already.
  17. How is it R* can make three absolute bangers in a single gen and then go on to make one game in ten years?
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