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Everything posted by Ike

  1. If you’re a fan at all of Ghostbusters, you’ll really enjoy Afterlife. Nostalgia done to perfection. It had no reason to be as good as it did.
  2. Showtime usually churns out some quality original programming. I’ve wanted to watch that Yellowjackets show as well. Just been so busy lately that I’m stuck in ep4 of Dexter. Station Eleven is definitely on my watch list
  3. Man I need to catch up. Everything since I stopped watching is 9 or above on IMDb. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14164730/episodes/?season=1
  4. I still have this game shrink wrapped after I bought it for $22
  5. Deb is the new Harry in Dexter’s brain it seems. I need to catch back up. I watched the first 3 and haven’t watched any since. I’m actually really digging the Harrison story and the actor is surprisingly good. I also like Clancy Brown as the “big bad”. Everyone else is Bautista/Quinn levels. Michael C Hall is and always has been the best part of the show. I think they’re submitting this as a miniseries so hopefully he can finally get an Emmy for his performance as Dexter. He just had to go against Cranston every single year.
  6. Yeah, I agree completely with this. The world building in CP77 is only matched by RDR2 in terms of a fully realized open world. Turning off the HUD and just exploring Night City should be experienced by every gamer. Shame they spent way too many time and resources into making a worthless PS4/XBO version. I didn’t play much because of bugs on PS5 even but I’m really looking forward to the next-gen versions.
  7. It Takes Two owned. Glad you both are enjoying it. Seriously, most traumatic death scene I’ve ever seen in a game.
  8. V for Vendetta was enjoyable.
  9. One more still coming soon. Celebrity deaths always happen in 3s.
  10. Started GOTG. Really great game so far and surprisingly impressive visually.
  11. Same to you homie. Hope you’re out of your cabin in the middle of nowhere. Happy New Year to everyone as well.
  12. I’m liking the new 7th playoff spot. I thought it might negate the meaning of the regular season but if anything it’s making it more important and more fun. These last 3 weeks should be fun.
  13. Word of mouth and that half off discount for Black Friday made me buy it. Planning to play it over my time off at Christmas.
  14. Just got back from it. Movie owned. Best standalone MCU film since Thor 3, best MCU Spidey film, and best live action movie in the franchise since Spider-Man 2. Also, definitely stay for both post credit scenes.
  15. I’m going to watch my gf play it once she finishes up Death Stranding. Never been a huge fan of FPS.
  16. Enemy design looks incredible. I’m hoping they can make water combat good and improve the melee.
  17. Never played them. I just usually find stealth kinda boring. I tried the first Splinter Cell and hated it. Felt like MGS but bad.
  18. You guys got to consider too that almost the entire internet is now dependent on Amazon Web Services for hosting. It’s insane how insidious this company has burrowed deep into nearly every aspect of business.
  19. I hope the Irma storyline is done on Curb. She plays the part really well but my god she is really just an unpleasant person. The house husband bit was great though. Leon always funny af.
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