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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The original was great, but I don’t have some attachment to it like some other people. IX is even my PS1 favorite so. I just enjoyed the technical prowess of the game. All the set pieces and music were such treats. But most of all the game was legitimately fun to play. The battle system was the best yet for a JRPG. I’m seriously stoked to see what the full PS5 powered sequel can do.
  2. Almost better the second time. What a game and truly a 10/10 masterpiece. Part 2 can’t get here soon enough. RemjiHBR
  3. Or conversely just made all the acquisitions for selling them later too
  4. Why do you think they won’t share true subscriber numbers and instead use growth percentage to try to spin the absurdly low number.
  5. In a new financial statement, Microsoft revealed that Xbox Game Pass subscriptions rose by 37.5% falling short of its internal target of 47.8%. In contrast, last year Microsoft over-performed on its targets to grow Xbox Game Pass, increasing subscriptions by nearly 86% over a goal of 71%. https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-game-pass-subscriptions-growth-slow
  6. Almost 3 years at the top is absolutely insane and very impressive. https://www.ign.com/articles/ps5-breaks-nintendo-switch-33-month-streak-units-sold
  7. Watched Spiral, From the Book of Saw, and it was more of a cop drama than a Saw film. The plot felt thin and the traps they made this movie were extremely lackluster. I will say I enjoyed Chris Rock’s performance and I think he was the best part of the film. As a long time fan of the series, it was supremely disappointing just like Jigsaw before it.
  8. Looks like a woke version of L4D. Hard pass.
  9. Going to be hilarious when this scores 7/10 at GS
  10. My gf is playing it and seems to be enjoying it a lot.
  11. So it at least look pretty and run well. How it plays and if it’s any good will be another story. Looking forward to seeing what they can do. They’ve had nearly a year now since finishing up Demon’s Souls.
  12. Oh yeah, Microsoft money-hatted for the exclusive marketing for this flop too.
  13. More than likely, the chip shortage is fucking things up right now for Super Switch being launched. Entire supply chains everywhere for everything globally is colossally screwed up right now.
  14. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-29/nintendo-switch-4k-developers-make-games-for-nonexistent-console
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