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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I think so? IMDB says they’re airing an episode every Wednesday. It was also renewed through season 13.
  2. 5 episode story arcs with a 10 episode season. “Red Tide” is the one we’re watching. “Death Valley” is the second.
  3. One of the best series ever. Every iteration has been excellent.
  4. They’ve dubbed this season “Double Feature.” One setting is the northeastern coast and the other is in the desert. I’m sure there will be a connection like always.
  5. Sounds like a typical NMH game in that the main boss fights are awesome but getting there sucks. Will wait for a version better to hardware.
  6. Yeah, the first two episodes for season 10 of American Horror Story were some of the best it has done in a while. All aspects from directing, cinematography, writing, and performances were all excellent. I think the two 5-episode arcs are going to help a lot and avoid that mid season slump that always seems to plague the show.
  7. Yeah almost done with the first episode. Been really good so far.
  8. @-GD-X New season of AHS just started. Watching the first episode now.
  9. Yeah this looks good unlike that god awful Battletoads remake.
  10. Could be worse, could have a delay and still be missing features like Xbox’s biggest IP.
  11. Not everyone follows MCU news closely. I could totally see it spoiling it for people.
  12. Still no Infinite Release date either. Wha a flop of a show.
  13. Never watching another Xbox show again. This was terrible I already turned it off.
  14. And now going to Flight Simulator. Already a snoozer of a show.
  15. No politics in the gaming threads.
  16. Best game library that still has yet to be surpassed in greatness.
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