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Everything posted by Ike

  1. How would you say it compares to the original trilogy?
  2. Sure why not? It’s just dating lol
  3. It’s got 6 months free on PS5 https://www.playstation.com/en-us/deals/6-months-trial-apple-tv-ps5-offer/
  4. I missed the weather like we’re having today. Bring back hoodie weather.
  5. He’s just super fluffy. He’s actually been on a diet after an incident where crystals in his kidneys almost killed him. Had to take him to emergency like the day after Christmas after I found blood around his litter box. He’s lost like 2 pounds in the last 9 months!!
  6. Could be? I got him from the shelter at 6 weeks old.
  7. Yeah he’s awesome. His name is Dustin 🙂
  8. Missing features, piece-mail release, and I’m sure plenty of bugs. This will be lucky to get 7s.
  9. Watched The Lighthouse last night. What a waste of time.
  10. So another overrated game much like The Medium it sounds?
  11. Yeah, the MP is even F2P so nobody will buy it just for a campaign.
  12. First person snoozers
  13. This show looks super promising and the visuals look insane.
  14. I’ll probably pick up the full PS5 version director’s cut once it’s around $50. I haven’t played this game at all.
  15. Also finished White Lotus, it might be recency bias but it’s my new favorite show of 2021. Binge it soon since it just finished. It’s a 6 episode self contained series.
  16. So MS just paid a lump sum to SE to have it listed on GP since they publish and maybe the developer negotiated a contract based on sales? That would be super scummy.
  17. Rewatched Big Fish last night. It’s probably the best Tim Burton film of the 21st century. It’s odd and quirky but grounded in the story of the son/father relationship. That ending scene where he tells his dad how he’s going to die still hits hard. Such a great film.
  18. I’ll jump back in as soon as they fix and fine tuning everything. Night City is one of the best open worlds ever. The world building and immersion is amazing and I loved that part so much. It’s just the technical bugs always threw me out of that immersion. It never should have been on last gen consoles honestly.
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