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Everything posted by Ike

  1. DualSense is easily the best launch controller Sony has ever released. The immersion with the adaptive triggers and the hepatic feedback is amazing. Playing Returnal and feeling the rain or squishing those alien egg things is so satisfying.
  2. I enjoyed them both. But like I said, the main character in X, Tidus, is a whiny bitch. X does have the single best mini game in an FF game with Blitzball. Spent quite a bit time playing that.
  3. It never should have been delayed for Wii launch. If it had release in 2005 on GCN exclusively, I think it would have been received much better.
  4. Dude that E3 was terrible for Sony. “Giant Enemy Crab ”
  5. I’ve known most of you and kept contact with people here more than anybody from HS.
  6. Started posting on GS SW at 15. I’ve been here about half my life.
  7. I’d still argue that Twilight Princess has by far the best boss fights in the franchise by a wide margin. Stallord was amazing.
  8. Damn 10 pages of hermslob and lemmings tears.
  9. They fixed that part apparently but yeah still no interest in playing. A Link Between Worlds is still the best modern Zelda.
  10. I’m spending most of my gaming time on PS5. Hence the name color and avy.
  11. I had all my old SW in a photobucket account that I don’t have access to anymore.
  12. Stayed up late to watch the Loki finale. It was nuts in the best way and capped off Marvel’s best show so far.
  13. One of the most memorable tracks in recent years.
  14. Lemmings would be creaming themselves if Gamepass got a release anywhere near as good as it.
  15. Few questions for A Plague’s Tale: Is it super challenging? Is there a difficulty setting? How long until completion? Any side content and how is it?
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