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Everything posted by Ike

  1. These next 3 days are going to be ass. Going to the casino to enjoy air conditioning.
  2. Yep, same thing happening here in Washington state. Going to be an awful next three days.
  3. The new A24 horror film False Positive just hit Hulu today. It has Justin Theroux and Pierce Brosnan in it. Will watch tonight.
  4. In Returnal, had a great run going with like 180% integrity but went in to fight Nemesis with a pistol that I thought was legit. Learned my lesson quick.
  5. Enjoy the ride bro. The set pieces are awesome and the battle system is fun af. Even on easy and skipping sides it still took me around 35 hours to complete it.
  6. And Cloud playing a clueless protag the entire time too when every chick wants to jump him. Pretty sure he’s a total twink.
  7. What new Series X titles have there been?
  8. I know. This has been my least favorite biome so far too.
  9. Made it to the 3rd biome boss in Returnal. This place has been tough af. I’ll be glad to be done with this one. Hopefully a few more tries at most with this boss.
  10. It’s also happens to be just as hard as those games too.
  11. The bosses are essentially bullet hell arcade style enemies in full 3D.
  12. Looking forward to this. People expecting graphics showcases has obviously never played a Grasshopper title. The new list with aliens is going to be awesome. The set pieces in these game are always spectacular and I expect nothing less again from Suda 51. God, I’d love a sequel to Killer7 too.
  13. And the fact people are still buying at inflated prices means the demand is huge. Imagine if the stock was widely available lmao. Literally one of the WOAT takes ever.
  14. Loki ep3 solid despite being mostly character development and dialogue. The setting was cool af this week. Reminded me of something straight out of Returnal. Hiddleston continues to be the standout and carry this show with his charm.
  15. But but my nostalgia Game was awesome and easily GOTY 2020 IMO.
  16. Playoff P That pass to Ayton was such a perfect delivery
  17. Physical only on Switch was announced during the show.
  18. Have fun dude. The gameplay is so good and I suggest playing with headphones. The sound design is one of the best ever.
  19. So 2020s horror is going to be that kind of horror then
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