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System Warrior
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  1. Abiding in the unshaken belief, that the time for cruel wonders is not yet over.

  2. Weren't you the one that bumped an 8 month old thread? Lets examine ourselves first before we start pointing fingers.
  3. SSJ is like a desperate party host trying to keep the ship afloat. Its nice to see he knows how to make use of the search button when he's feeling insecure.
  4. So you admit Gamespot is a joke and that Zelda is the highest rated game of next gen? Stop flip flopping, Kerry, and make your choice. :D I've always said the Zelda review was ownage because it made you and all you butt buddies cry for weeks. :D But didn't I already state that TP was my GOTY?
  5. lol, so the Sheep actually think Warioware is better than Zelda. The Warioware review is on par with THPS3.
  6. I was being optimistic, but it turns out Sheep standard's really are so low as to count it.
  7. Zelda is rated higher overall than Gears, yet because of its GS score is doesnt live up to par. Yet Warioware gets a AAA score from GS and it doesnt count because you dont like it? :D Care to embarrass yourself with contradictions some more? :D Isn't that a contradiction too? If you want to say Zelda > Gears, you have to consider this POS game to be a sub AA title. Good thing mini-game compilations are shallow distractions, no harm in ignoring them. How is it a contradiction? Gamerankings is a reality, not a preference. But if you choose to stick your fingers in your ears and c
  8. Zelda is rated higher overall than Gears, yet because of its GS score is doesnt live up to par. Yet Warioware gets a AAA score from GS and it doesnt count because you dont like it? :D Care to embarrass yourself with contradictions some more? :D Isn't that a contradiction too? If you want to say Zelda > Gears, you have to consider this POS game to be a sub AA title. Good thing mini-game compilations are shallow distractions, no harm in ignoring them.
  9. Mini-game compilations don't count. And lol SSJ has to bump old threads to make him feel better about himself.
  10. DOA is a fun fighter, but it's inferior to Tekken. That simple.
  11. That was boring as hell. Alright slappy, if you wan't to play the retarded fankid fine by me. I'm serious. I like Tekken. I just happen to like the newer DOAs (DOAU, DOA4) more. But that was one of the most boring matches of Tekken I have ever seen. It was the same punch with a few rising kicks here and there. lol I'm not asking you to critique the entertainment value of the fight, that's DOA's redeeming value the fights look cinematic. Too bad they aren't nearly as cerebral as that video. I can tell when people don't play DOA with comments like that, or at least playing with anyone decen
  12. That was boring as hell. Alright slappy, if you wan't to play the retarded fankid fine by me. I'm serious. I like Tekken. I just happen to like the newer DOAs (DOAU, DOA4) more. But that was one of the most boring matches of Tekken I have ever seen. It was the same punch with a few rising kicks here and there. lol I'm not asking you to critique the entertainment value of the fight, that's DOA's redeeming value the fights look cinematic. Too bad they aren't nearly as cerebral as that video.
  13. That was boring as hell. Seriously. DOA fights look exactly like that but more fluidly and more fast. DOA has great camera-work and animations, its fun to watch.
  14. That was boring as hell. Alright slappy, if you wan't to play the retarded fankid fine by me.
  15. No, I'm just saying these idiots think Tekken isn't a button masher... :shakes: Oh and DOA isn't? I already stated they and every other fighter out there is a button masher. There are definitely varying degrees. You may think Tekken is mashy, but no way is it worse than DOA.
  16. No, I'm just saying these idiots think Tekken isn't a button masher... :shakes: Oh and DOA isn't?
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