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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Devo

  1. I got you into X-Forice, bro. Now go read Uncanny Avengers if you're not.
  2. It's amazing how quick the Transformers Universe Deluxe line prices skyrocketed.
  3. You are getting old son. Yet I bang girls of all ages. My style works just fine thanks, and I don't need to have conversations all day with multiple women. shit's lame, but maybe this generation of beta males enjoy it. believe it or not girls appreciate a phone call, it shows confidence and is a nice change from the man-children who only communicate when they can think about what they're going to say. I call with purpose and authority, and the women bow to it. EDIT - I'm not against texting in general, just if you're maintaining conversations in order to make things more comfortable
  4. Lmao, enough with the videogame, and Halloween talk. Goddamn. Just ask her how many seafood meals would it take for her to turn into a bedroom acrobat.
  5. If Orlando Bloom got hit by a bus, and took it in the ass ^^^^^^^^^
  6. You know you're insecure when you got a guy who sucked a dick for $10 to back you. Ah-ha. Holla at cha boy
  7. Nikka, the only thing I'm jealous of is your sunglasses 'cause they hide your face. Ah-ha.
  8. Ah-ha. This nikka is mad. Wait a minute, this nikka is always mad. Look at that face, it scares children away from his candy van. You should join the KKK. And it's not because you're racist, it's because your face looks like a dogs ass. holla at cha boy
  9. Nikka, you look scary. Beady-narrow eyes with a face like magnum, and a lanky ass body? Nikka, Slender Man called, and he wants his mufuckin' image back.
  10. But you wouldn't say it because you'd get ktfo You're a skinny bitch with cargo pants, bro. Talkin' shit 'bout Drama? Nikka, you just got retard strength for even bringing that shit up.
  11. Black__Hand is like Batman: when you see him smile/laugh, it' the scariest shit ever. It's best if he keeps the same facial expression. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAW75TnMKHg
  12. Holy shit, your nose grew four sizes... *Note* Take a seat at the bar where you are incapable of getting sucker punched.
  13. :carverkiss: That is some impressive weight loss, brah. Congrats big time, dawg. This is the only before picture I could find.
  14. zyzz came back, and resurrected as a lesbo. All is well.
  15. lol no one even acknowledges you exist except when you whine about them. You're the most irrelevant bitch. Does irony run in your veins? Lmao. I started acknowledging you (making fun of you) a couple of months ago when you started your photography act that you stole from Salad. umad?
  16. Four year e-grudge? Now you know this guy thinks about me everyday.
  17. Janitor only sees his reflection when he's scrubby school toilets. How can you tell someone so ugly to take a picture of himself? Let Janitor keep his e-persona, and not ruin the best thing he has in life. God bless.
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