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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Devo

  1. Roff, Tekken the floaty combo game. ya they talk about button mashing when they juggle with one move over and over , it looks stupid and cheap Let's punch the guy 5 times, knock him in the air, punch him 5 more times, kick him on the ground. YOU WIN! :D:D:D Tekken the Floaty Combo game sucks.
  2. If any combos are easy to pull off, it's Tekken. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLL Even Eva would laugh at you. :D I'm that good, nub.
  3. Button masher? No. I easily get owned if I try to press a couple of buttons as fast as I can. In fact, you can button mash in every fighter, what's your point? B) You must have no experience in a lot fighters. When I said button masher I didn't mean randomly pressing buttons as fast as you can. Button mashing fighters are usually the ones with easily attainable combos. Play some Tekken and VF. You'll find out how noobish DoA really is when you play either. I played Tekken and it's easier to "button mash" than DoA. VF is probably the hardest game to do a combo.
  4. Button masher? No. I easily get owned if I try to press a couple of buttons as fast as I can. In fact, you can button mash in every fighter, what's your point?
  5. It's probably the new melee attack, such as a flying jump kick.
  6. Systemwars will feel empty after New Years day.
  7. Jesus wants to know if you have enough Gamertags. I have two, one gold and one silver(uk).
  8. BTW, God thinks you're a fag and you're going to hell.
  9. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? Dipshit, it can't think. It literally doesn't have a mind. It's meat. The ghost hasn't entered the machine. The irony of all this religious stupidity is that the Catholic Church allowed abortion for centuries, and the Bible itself doesn't prohibit abortion, it only says Yahweh the Red knew you "while you were in the womb." It doesn't specify at what point in the gestation process the psychotic asshole "knew you." YOu are taking
  10. That's be quite amusing if he apposed stem cell research. I mean, seeing how he's so pro-life. Its like hunting. RAther shoot a deer than have someone hit one in thier car ya know?Change that to baby and that's my whole philosophy. DO you agree with child murder?Too bad this form of 'murder' is legal. If you have beef with it, go protest it with all the other fags protesting the war. With your cry baby personality you'd fit in perfectly. Lawl.
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