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System Warrior
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Posts posted by ..._

  1. what makes me look more like a nihilist, the top pic or bottom pic? I will be in all black of course, and no, it is not an image thing to me, I am not shallow, but I do want to attract and also distance away, certain types of people based on my outward appearance. those are both old pics, I have hair and its black for now.


    Posted Image

    I have no eye lashes in this pic, I used to cut them back then to be nonconformist.

    Posted Image

  2. I love how he's from south america but brown jokes on those from the middle east is being used on him anyway

    You've cracked the irony of the joke, well done.

    Be sure to let everyone know the next vacant conclusion you conjure in your head, don't keep that gold from us...

    get called out for using bad insults, claim them to be "ironic" to damage control.

    It's always been ironic humour. Learn2SystemWars.

    learn2damagecontrolinalessobviouswayyouhugenooooobb :tom:

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