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System Warrior
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Posts posted by ..._

  1. lol.. umm i liked your hair black better. im not a fan of black ppl with blonde hair or indians with blonde.. just looks fucked!! i sometimes think i even look weird as a brunette.

    lol that was back in 2010, and 2011 I died it again... blue, then silver. I didn't like the blue so I didn't save any pics, but for halloween this year I'll do it again. red.

    for comparison, I've done bald, and this is the most recent pic of me currently with black hair (i no longer take reproductions of myself unless it's for a project, this one was a short video I made where all the dialogue/any sound was with using a harmonica)

    I die my hair as a statement against normalcy but I only do it around halloween so I can tell people who see me on the street that I don't feel like explaining myself to that its just for halloween. even though I want to die it red, still not sure if I'll actually do it. I was getting a lot of stares last year to the point of being self aware and uncomfortable.


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  2. GD can you change my pic to this one? seems more fitting for systemWARS.. i blow all yo mofuckin heads off. :)

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    Have you lost weighta little i guess. could use another 10 lbs off.. but i'd never survive canadian winter.. :scared:

    pics don't work bro

    my bad let me try, i guess that site fucks up, i shrunk them so it wouldn't cover up the whole screen but let me try again

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    whats with yall and being homos?

    here's me feeling a bit tipsy in Helsinki. again

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    you posted this already.. i recall commenting on your brown shoe/black sock combo and saying you were a walking fashion disaster or something.

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    hey look it's pirate!



  3. can't you take it out of the cage before you take a photo? that pic looks depressing as fuck

    http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif

    It does.


    Well at least neither of them try to hide their faggotry.

    yeah bro, real men put their dogs in cages, we're so tough bro, pat my ass like they do in sports :lemming: yeah that feels good

    Since zwarrior can't handle a little dog in cage..

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    much better :dreamy:

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