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Goddess Angel

System Warrior
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Status Updates posted by Goddess Angel

  1. I'm real smooth. The ladies be touchin my face, trying to push me away, but I know they just want to feel my smooth face, befoe I drag dem to dey final resting place. .

  2. I turned mine on not too long ago, like I turn all da ladies on! :smug:

  3. Thanks for the love, Nolan North. :face:

  4. I love you, honey. Let us share, Bee. :) Wut up, Warrior Brotha?!

  5. I try to think outside the X-Box! :smug:

  6. I'm staring out my window, viewing the trees, grass, and my shed. On my window, which is to the right of me, a Mcdonald's medium cup from two days ago sits on an empty plastic cup, where I previously had water in it before drinking it empty; to the right of them, an almost-empty plastic cup of coke also sits on my window. My beautiful, handsome Tuxedo cat is sleeping on my chair to the left of me. In front of me, since it is a hot day, an electric fan on power #2 is turned on, keeping me from melting.

  7. I am forever loyal to Nintendo, Miyamoto, and you!

  8. You are my rock. I am a ship and you are my dock. I want your cock. Let's hurry; the time is ticking on the clock.

  9. You are so cute, girl. Your smile is like the a sonic boom in the starry sky, emitted by the beautiful Guile. For a while, even though we are separated by a thousand-mile sea, you are burned into my mind, like the beautiful Nile. You can run, but I'm more agile. One day, I will catch you and put you in my file.

  10. OneDayAllTheDinosaursAteTheFishAndTheLobstersSangAGoodSongOnlyToBeToldToNotEatVegtablesInTheDarkSmellyNight!

  11. Santana is half. I'm pure. Pure always wins. :)

  12. I'm glad you are back, bro! Us Terrorists have got to stick together!

  13. Look at that smile! :love:

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