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Goddess Angel

System Warrior
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Status Updates posted by Goddess Angel

  1. I'm just messing, bro!

  2. Sometimes robbery and poca dots go hand and anus.

  3. I is Russian Governing Ment

  4. Don't tell me you are fat. I saw your guts all spilled over to me.

  5. Fly all the way to the border. Together, we can remote and pay attention the mildly resignation. Soldiers have to be extremely careful. Arbitrary line for both countries. Part of the border are completely unprotected. There are numerous enforcement that are itself a border of 1500 KM.

  6. I am your first. I'm wrapping my pink, moist heaven around you. The smell is so intense; all life on earth has a boner.

  7. You are the breast, bra! :love:

  8. Hey, bro! I miss your warmness, man! Iceman! :love:

  9. It's good you're back! :face:

  10. Watch our live stage show at E3 2010 for exclusive live demos. Be sure to check out the archive if you missed something!

  11. Yeah. I have allergies all-year round, but it gets worse during Spring, when pollens and other plant life starts to come alive. I used to get shots once a week, but I absolutely hated waiting 30 minutes to an hour just for one shot that took 2 seconds to complete. I'm getting a bit better now, though. It seems like no allergy pills will work anymore. My tolerance for those drugs are getting higher. :(

  12. Not much, bro. My eyes are so itchy. My allergies are so damn annoying! I HATE THEM! :(

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