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Hot Sauce

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Everything posted by Hot Sauce

  1. It's a post-apocalyptic world with only AA batteries. Xbox wins.
  2. The Xbox controller is a really good controller on PC if you don't own a USB cord to make use of DualSense support.
  3. The Xbox controller is a really good controller on PC.
  4. I'm going to put 500 hours into it just to prove how bad it is.
  5. Points in the paint Game 1 - Lakers +26 Game 2 - Warriors +18 44 point swing. Sheesh. It all comes down to which version of AD shows up.
  6. Shame AD didn't play today.
  7. 30 FPS performance mode coming at a later date.
  8. lmao what the fuck we're the top search result on 'dancing bear regret'
  9. I think I've addressed most of what you're saying here already. Series will be really good, though. Lebron vs. the Warriors is always special.
  10. I mean "don't foul" only really works if it's some outlier game. Kings had 32/29/23/18/25/27/26 free throws last series for a 27/game average and the Warriors were second worst in the league this season in fouls committed. Lakers were #1 in free throws this season and played more inside this game than usual. 29 free throws isn't that surprising. Warriors getting 6 free throws is the problem. They were already the team with the fewest FTs this season and being afraid of the paint isn't going to make it any better. It's the Warriors so I expect them to make adjustments to pull AD awa
  11. Hard to see the Warriors winning the series with that non-existent paint presence. Klay will play better, but Poole will play worse.
  12. Redfall isn't just lacking polish was what I was getting at.
  13. Redfall isn't lacking polish, it's a fundamentally broken product that's been in development for 5 years.
  14. I genuinely can't believe Microsoft/Bethesda/Arkane put this out. The AI in Deathloop was bad, but bad in that it didn't provide a challenge. Luring enemies into chokepoints and just blasting a huge group as they funnel in 1 by 1 is lame for a AAA game, but at least you needed to break line of sight to make it happen. In Redfall I'm on some scaffolding outside of a house with my flashlight on, taking pot shots at enemies 20 feet away from me, and they don't even see me. They just go into their "what was that" state and run towards the ladder.
  15. I'm probably the biggest 3D Zelda hater here and even I think you guys are being fucking retarded complaining about this thing being $70.
  16. I've never been so excited to buy a game day 1 and shit on it. Let's fucking goooo.
  17. From 10/10 to a 4/10. The Microsoft touch.
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