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Hot Sauce

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Everything posted by Hot Sauce

  1. 70% to 88% to 95%. By this time next year it'll be over 100% and digital stores will be giving developers all of the revenue and a bonus for each game sold.
  2. Only if there's at least two of them, then they're 1.2 people.
  3. I had a Garth Brooks phase when I was pretty young and I had a friend growing up that was Indian and super into Garth Brooks as well. We saw him in concert sometime in the 90s together. At the time I didn't think anything of it, but I've looked back on it since then and I just can't imagine how weird that must have been for his parents who were fairly devout followers of Hinduism. Pretty awesome they'd let the kid expand his horizons like that. Not related to the topic, though.
  4. Hot Sauce

    Bully 2

    Fuck you. Thought this was an announcement thread.
  5. And there was a 3DS version of that WiiU Smash Bros game, so they're probably counting that too. You gotta divide that 1.3 million by 463 to get the real amount sold for Switch. Sheep bragging about the game selling under 3k copies.
  6. I don't even like RDR2 and I still think it pushes games forward in a way that should at the very least be experienced even if just for a couple hours.
  7. Bah, you fucker. It's so far away and I've been having a MHW itch recently thinking about picking up the PC version.
  8. Iceborne reveal trailer: Witcher 3 collaboration trailer: Capcom video about upcoming MHW content:
  9. Lowry got Monstar'd. Dude has gotta have an injury.
  10. Beloved? Check. Xbox IP? We'll just assume he meant Xbox owned IP and not made for Xbox IP. Played in last 4 years? Rare Replay. BLAST CORPS 2
  11. Mowgli was alright. I was familiar with it being a darker Jungle Book, but jesus. I would have totally had my kids watch this thinking 'w/e, it's still a kids movie' and felt like such an asshole for making them watch it. Some Bambi level feels.
  12. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2235-QYCN-3295 I'm talking about this.
  13. You're thinking of something else because Prime accounts were 100% free, you just had to connect it to your phone.
  14. Get a Whopper for $0.01 if you order it from a McD's parking lot using the BK app.
  15. Prime account matchmaking was free and was to help with smurfs/cheaters. I would never touch CS:GO again if it went F2P without this version of prime status.
  16. Forums are just old hat in a world where reddit exists.
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