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Hot Sauce

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Everything posted by Hot Sauce

  1. The progression system overhaul didn't happen until March of this year. That's four months after the game came out. Timely matter my ass. Edit: March, not May.
  2. Why would people be buying two copies of a game 3 days in instead of just trading for the version exclusive Pokemon online?
  3. I'm sure it's selling well relative to most games, but it's already getting $20 off promos for Black Friday. A little over a week on shelves and a 33% cut in price.
  4. I replayed every level in Super Meat Boy using mine over Wi-Fi.
  5. Love the objective presentation. Great to see well put together threads that go above the system wars aspect of the site and just present the data in a neutral way.
  6. I don't have much reverence for much of that list. FF7, FF9, Tactics, and Chrono Cross are kinda all I care about. Xenogears is overrated garbage. The Legend of Dragoon tier (not Square, I know). Fight me. FF4/5/6 > FF7/9/Tactics, though Tactics is my second favourite FF game. Not playing a game > FF8 Chrono Trigger > Chrono Cross Secret of Mana > Vagrant Story Super Mario RPG > Parasite Eve Never played any of the Front Mission games. Square certainly defined a generation with the PS1 RPGs and I thi
  7. I'd take the Square and Nintendo games for the SNES over the Square games for the PSOne.
  8. Even robots make mistakes sometimes. Holy shit at the Jazz vs. Mavs score. Mavs beat them 118 to 68. 50 fucking points.
  9. This shit isn't until December 6th? Between this thread and that other one hyping up the number of new game announcements I figured it was pretty soon.
  10. Yeah, and? I'm not calling GamePass good or successful. Successful and unsuccessful services alike offer free months to new users. Pointing to a free month (or a deeply discounted one) as indicative of it being successful or unsuccessful is just dumb.
  11. I use Spotify over Apple Music. Apple Music interface is garbage.
  12. Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Spotify always have a free month offer for new subscribers.
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