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Hot Sauce

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Posts posted by Hot Sauce

  1. Sony is a video game industry superhero saving talented development studios from Microsoft's terrible management. I'm fully expecting the guys from Capcom Vancouver to start up a new studio and make a Playstation exclusive that's a GOTY contender and pushing 4 million in 3 days thanks to Sony's guidance and commitment to quality entertainment.


    Thank you, Sony, for saving gaming year after year. :lawd:

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  2. 14 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    For just about every comparison in this thread, i can't really tell the goddamned difference in any tangible way. :] 

    Thought I was alone. There's that one post on the front page about how the difference speaks for itself and I'm like...which side is which. :ben:

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    How do you know that's the original audio?

    Because one sounds like a mediocre performance at a concert while the other has boos so loud it drowns out the performance and just sounds fake as hell?


    3 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Also a conspiracy was hatched where dozens of people come out saying the same kind of thing related to him tricking Fallout Boys fans

    What? Nobody's doubting the bullshit about tricking people into giving the finger to Killshot.


    3 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    not to mention he's not even rapping, it's all playback which would get boo'd by anyone paying attention. 

    1. It's a Fallout Boy concert. I doubt they care all that much.


    2. That booing started well before he even started "performing."


    3 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You're implying booing was added, could cheering not be adding?

    Sure, but I'm not sure what cheering you would be talking about. There's like a couple cheers at the start and then it's pretty silent through most of the performance. The crowd wasn't into it at all.


    3 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Can audio not be isolated? This is basic shit man. 

    See the first point. There's a huge difference in sound quality between the two.


    Like I have Eminem 100% in this beef. I don't think Rap Devil is all that great and Killshot is fantastic. MGK deleting his old Twitter posts praising Eminem is some digital era 'I hope you know I ripped all your pictures off the wall' shit. The video is just fake.

  4. Nothing says gaming bliss like grandma letting you use her old sewing room to post pics of your sweet gaming setup consisting of a 6" screen, a fresh stack of printer paper acting as a stand, and a candle that has clearly gone unused for so long I'd bet it was probably your parents' mood lighting until they realized the child they put out together was "testing" games for a living in his 30s and decided they just can't risk having another one.


    Nice wine, though.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, ghostz said:

    Omg dude wtf. How is that possible? I’m getting 100x the speed for the same price .. in the United States lol

    Bad location.


    People two blocks east of me have 15x the speed for the same price. A 10 minute drive east of me and the people have gigabit. It's all farmland west of me, so nobody wants to run the cable to my street when it's a financial dead end.

  6. Like Diplo said, Metacritic is where you go when you're actually looking for information. It's a much better source to get a feel for a game over a single publication that most of us don't really have an understanding of the personalities penning the reviews.


    But I'm here for the lulz, so Gamespot. Bring on the Deeno tears of anti-Xbox bias. :lawd:

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