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Hot Sauce

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Posts posted by Hot Sauce

  1. Age of Empires Online

    Level 13 (of 40) currently and having a lot of fun with it. The game has a pretty weak first couple of levels and really only provides some difficulty once you get into the double digits for levels, but the MMO-style hubworld provides enough incentive to stick through the early game until it starts getting good.

    Plan on picking up the premium Greek civilization early next week, the game shoves the premium content into your face a little too often. It's somewhat off-putting but everything gets unlocked for $20, I'll look it as a great $20 game instead of a solid F2P game with some annoying premium content hooks.

    i really liked what i played of the beta but the negative feedback on the full game has sorta turned me off, not sure if i should get back into it.

    What are people saying about it?

    I see lots of people complaining about how it doesn't play like AoE, but those people are retarded. I was never a huge AoE fan so there might be some subtleties I'm missing, but it plays a lot like AoE3 with an MMO-style hubworld.

    Tech issues getting installed have been a problem for everybody I know who has given it a shot, we've all got it working eventually though and nothing drastic was required.

    The premium content being so blatant is pretty annoying, the $20 price instead of micro-transactions is probably tough to swallow for a lot of people. It's not really game breaking though; the number difference in weapon quality is pretty minor, I have a green spear for my Pikemen that allows them to deal 12.4% more damage but a blue one that I can't use which lets them deal an 17%. When you consider the unit's default damage is 10 then that 5% damage bonus is rather irrelevant. Not being able to use advisors is pretty annoying, the advisor units are pretty fucking sweet and create a pretty stupid advantage in unraked PvP (need premium for ranked).

    I think it's just mostly dumb bitching people are doing because of the pricing model, if the game came out as a $20 product then I think the reactions would be a lot more positive. F2P games bring out the worst kinds of people.

  2. Age of Empires Online Level 13 (of 40) currently and having a lot of fun with it. The game has a pretty weak first couple of levels and really only provides some difficulty once you get into the double digits for levels, but the MMO-style hubworld provides enough incentive to stick through the early game until it starts getting good. Plan on picking up the premium Greek civilization early next week, the game shoves the premium content into your face a little too often. It's somewhat off-putting but everything gets unlocked for $20, I'll look it as a great $20 game instead of a solid F2P game with some annoying premium content hooks.

  3. don't know why but im having a lot of trouble with the interrogations in L.A. Noire :meh: im usually really good at ace attorney's equivalent of these.

    What kind of trouble? I had some issues figuring out whether I was supposed to choose 'Doubt' or 'Lie' so I made the habit of accusing them of lying anytime I knew they weren't telling the truth. You can back out of an accusation without anything bad happening (as long as you don't pick a piece of evidence), and it'll give you some additional dialogue (Phelps' accusation) which sometimes helps choosing between the two options.

  4. Finished Red Dead Redemption. I'll probably write a longer opinion about it once I get bored of running around finishing up the challenges and other side stuff' date=' but man, what an ending to an absolutely fantastic game.[/quote']GOTY. :bow:

    It's the best game I've played this year, easily.

    Most badass ending this gen :bow:

    Agreed, but the ending was amazing for more than just the badassery. The character development through most of the game, and especially the missions with John and his family, developed an attachment to John and I actually wanted to kill Agent Ross in the game because of what he did. You spend most of the game chasing Bill and when you finally kill him I just didn't care, I put a bullet in his head and moved on to the next mission. When I found Agent Ross at the river I didn't even bother trying to disarm him like I had done at least once in every duel in the game, I put six bullets in his face without thinking twice.

    The emotional response I had from the ending was what cemented Red Dead Redemption as my favorite game of the year, John just happened to go out like a badass.

    Really? You thought the character development was good?

    Not really, it's more the characterization of John that made him likable. Character development was a poor choice of words since he really doesn't change much from beginning to end.

  5. Finished Red Dead Redemption. I'll probably write a longer opinion about it once I get bored of running around finishing up the challenges and other side stuff' date=' but man, what an ending to an absolutely fantastic game.[/quote']GOTY. :bow:

    It's the best game I've played this year, easily.

    Most badass ending this gen :bow:

    Agreed, but the ending was amazing for more than just the badassery. The character development through most of the game, and especially the missions with John and his family, developed an attachment to John and I actually wanted to kill Agent Ross in the game because of what he did. You spend most of the game chasing Bill and when you finally kill him I just didn't care, I put a bullet in his head and moved on to the next mission. When I found Agent Ross at the river I didn't even bother trying to disarm him like I had done at least once in every duel in the game, I put six bullets in his face without thinking twice.

    The emotional response I had from the ending was what cemented Red Dead Redemption as my favorite game of the year, John just happened to go out like a badass.

  6. Finished King's Bounty: Armored Princess. I had never played a King's Bounty or Heroes of Might and Magic game before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I had assumed going in, based on the screen shots of combat that I saw, that it wouldn't be too much of a change in what I was use to, but the small islands and introverted design of quests on these islands is such a charming and fresh way to play a game, even if the formula is rather old. The bosses were really hard, it's rather unfortunate that I found stacking units with the 'Can't be counter-attacked' attribute to be insanely successful as it took away from the strategic depth that was likely there. Not being able to 'cheat' for the final boss was probably the best part of the game as I had to actually think about what I was doing, and going to do 2-3 turns from now. The final strategy took a little bit less thought but the journey to that strategy, including the numerous curse words uttered whenever I'd have the boss relatively low only to be stricken with a variable that I knew I simply couldn't overcome, was what allowed me to really appreciate the game despite the unevenness of the game's difficulty. For any fans of these types of games, how far back in their catalogues should I look for more games to play? I'd imagine all of the newer King's Bounty games play the same as it's just one game with some expansion packs so playing all of them would be an easy choice, but I have no knowledge of what Might and Magic games to play. --- More Dirt 2! I figured I'd give the PC version a shot since my roommate managed to destroy my 360 disc when he knocked over my 360 during a lap around Croatia's 'Hairpin Run'. No working controller meant I was stuck with the keyboard but the lack of pressure sensitive buttons was soon redeemed by what is now my favorite racing control scheme; H-Pattern Manual! I haven't used a racing wheel since the PS2 days and the sequential gear shifting that controllers are limited to (at least as far as I'm aware) means this was the first opportunity I had with a control scheme that probably isn't anything new to a lot of people. Not much else in my Dirt 2 travels, clipping steadily along through events trying my best do every rest on Hardcore, though the truck events are still a pain in the ass.

  7. Well I think the reason people might be offended with the way Poply and others are treating the news is that they actually knew him. SW makes fun of people that die sure but how many times have you seen somebody from SW make fun of somebody's death when a relative or friend is present? I think the issue is the lack of respect for people that are mourning rather than selectively choosing when to be remorseful and when not to be.

  8. If that's real I don't know what would be the saddest part:

    1) That you jerked off to a picture on the internet of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    2) That you jerked onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    3) That you bragged about jerking off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    4) That you took a picture of the remains after you jerked off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    5) That you uploaded and posted the picture of the remains after you jerked off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    Wow, I don't know what's more sad:roflmao:

    1)you wrote all of that

    2)you didn't realize that it's a joke and the people here saw humor out of it

    It was mostly copy and paste. :happysad:

  9. If that's real I don't know what would be the saddest part: 1) That you jerked off to a picture on the internet of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection. 2) That you jerked onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection. 3) That you bragged about jerking off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection. 4) That you took a picture of the remains after you jerked off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection. 5) That you uploaded and posted the picture of the remains after you jerked off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

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