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Hot Sauce

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Everything posted by Hot Sauce

  1. First thing I did was install a weight mod. Fuck everything about the inventory system in this game. You make a great crafting system where a large amount of items are worthwhile, then ruin it with a low weight limit.
  2. Witcher 2 is so good. Tricked that spirit in the asylum and had to kill him, it's what a Witcher does. Was worried that would let those two idiots off the hook, super glad when it let me punish both parties.
  3. Fixed that for you since your keyboard was obviously fucking up.
  4. Mirror's Edge was only fun when you were in constant motion, game tosses that for shitty puzzles with no momentum during the later sections. That boat level was fucking awful.
  5. Booted up my old Witcher 2 save and I'm naked without weapons in Flotsam. I have no memory of this and I want my swords back, help?
  6. I figured most out on my own, but anything relating to the alphabet can just fuck off.
  7. 200/200 achievement points and 206.4% completion, stuck on the last puzzle with the rest of the Fez community.
  8. I heard your mom can handle up to 16 lemmings, or 32 hermits We talking concurrently, or consecutively? Concurrently punkbuster and everything Imgur is down, hope the site allows hotlinking.
  9. I heard your mom can handle up to 16 lemmings, or 32 hermits We talking concurrently, or consecutively?
  10. None of those doors open up significant pathways, you unlock 90% of the content early on.
  11. I didn't find the map that bad during my first playthrough, but going back through the map on NG+ is fucking brutal. Contorting the map around, zooming in and out so other sections of the map aren't covering up what you're trying to look at, it's just fucking awful. And trying to get to uncleared areas, ugh. Warp/small gates are still too spread out to make getting across the cleared play areas as quick and easy as they need to be. I still love how deep the game gets with some of these puzzles, I'm having to learn a language using Tetris pieces.
  12. y Insanely boring, next to nothing about the game seems interesting. All I really enjoy is how you cast spells as a Mage, but instead of something cool, like juggling mana between experimenting with buttons to discover spells and having enough to be a useful part of the team, you just find spells and still manage to be a useless part of the team. Would probably make for a cool iOS game though, I just don't find the gameplay to be engaging at all as a PC game. Doesn't help that there's no strategy or difficult puzzles at the beginning.
  13. Bro, I put like maybe 10 hours a week into WoW. Just copy my Combat build, turn on Blade Flurry and hit Sinister Strike a lot.
  14. that works if you're one of those "make your own fun" type of gamers. Whereas I'd get bored of that type of thing in 10 minutes lol. I'm usually not, the structure of "go destroy shit to unlock the next mission" just breeds creativity.
  15. Just Cause 2 was a pretty interesting game, so much of it is really, really bad but the game manages to stay fun despite itself. - Repetitive missions - Mediocre gunplay and a tendency of having to search for ammo thanks to small magazines make for some pretty boring firefights - Really awful check-pointing; I thought developers figured out that having to repeat an uneventful 2-3 minute drive because you died at the destination was shitty game design? Yet all that garbage is worth it when you attach a car to a jet and use the car as a wrecking ball.
  16. It's not like we had Civilization 4 MP games when it came out or anything. No one played Civ 5. I think I'm the only person that bought it. I've put 30 hours into it.
  17. It's not like we had Civilization 4 MP games when it came out or anything.
  18. I'm probably late to the party, but did any other Infiltrators notice you could use a power after you shoot while cloaked? Double-dipping on power abilities fucking wrecked the second half of the game. I thought Infiltrator might be a bad pick for an insane run but knowing that now I think they'd be one of the best. Edit: And I didn't pick that cloak perk that let you use a power while cloaked, this is independent of that. I went with the 30(?) extra sniper rifle damage while cloaked.
  19. You can change classes between 2 and 3. God dammit, Frenchie.
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