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Hot Sauce

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Everything posted by Hot Sauce

  1. Finishing up the gaps achievement so I can 1000/1000 Project 8, considered one of the hardest games to 1k. Homecoming continues to disappoint, Mass Effect 3 continues to be unfinished, and Just Cause 2 might be the most enjoyable sandbox game I have ever played.
  2. i remember playing the beta on 360 and enjoying it quite a bit. the community on the PC version is still dead despite the sale, which is a shame. Second most popular game on the Steam page. I'm sure a community will pop up, might take a little while.
  3. Ditto. I really want to play it but $60 is asking a lot and there aren't any local rental services nearby that I know of. Waiting for a price cut. ;(
  4. Is the atmosphere at least good? Any decent puzzles? The environments are pretty good so far, typical Silent Hill fare there. The problem with the atmosphere is that you're fighting relatively often, there's no opportunity to dread what's coming. Ominous dog barking? Fight it fifteen seconds later. Hear a board creaking in the next room? Fight the monster making the noise. I don't think I've run into very many puzzles so far, at least not many that I would consider puzzles. I mean I would have to do things like find gas for a generator, but the environments are linear enough that it
  5. I didn't think a better combat system would ruin a Silent Hill game but it makes Homecoming just way too easy, the tension is gone. /4 years behind.
  6. I loved DI right up until the jungle then started getting burned out. I did every fuckign sidequest and only played a little bit online though. What character did you use? The chick with the sharp weapon bonuses.
  7. I will never doubt your wisdom again. Gonna play Silent Hill: Homecoming next because fuck having fun!
  8. Finished Dead Island. City was alright, the shift to much more combat focused gameplay was a little disappointing but I still had some fun. Not enough fast travel locations and the removal of trucks made some of those side quests really, really tedious. Fuck everything about the jungle and prison, completely devoid of the exploration and survival-horror scavenging/danger that made the resort so enjoyable. Don't know why I bothered finishing it because that ending sucked balls.
  9. Finally got 1000/1000 on SSX. Says a lot about the game when there's still 40+ drops I haven't even seen, I'll probably take a break from the game for awhile before I get gold in those events though. I've dumped probably 50-60 hours in to the game and enjoyed the majority of it, but becoming familiar with the mechanics has just led to disappointment in 'Trick It' events, which use to be my favourite events. This pic pretty much sums it up: The duplicate trick system isn't punishing enough when you can switch between two tricks for full points for the entirety of the run. Rac
  10. Yeah, I've heard it goes downhill. How many hours can I spend around the resort?
  11. Two is fantastic, three is really good. Started playing Dead Island and I've been really enjoying it. The weapons breaking every 10 kills is getting a little tiring, but I love exploring the world.
  12. Finally finished Bastion. Such a nose dive in fun once you discover the combat arenas, I loved the shit out of those and going back to the small group, small space fighting for the story made that shit unbearable.
  13. Darksiders is such an underrated game, in my opinion. After you meet that demon who wants you to gather the hearts, it's just a well made Zelda clone with flashier combat. Loved that game, really don't get the hate.
  14. Bastion is fucking phenomenal. The customization in every aspect of the game is just amazing. I can't put my love of this game into words.
  15. Just jump to the second. If you didn't have any interest in playing the first Starcraft for all these years, then it probably won't appeal to you at this point in time. Like Cleotis said, just Wiki the story of the first game if you're interested in any holes in the story that Starcraft 2 doesn't provide answers for.
  16. I don't think so, I can't imagine how'd I go about doing that since the only way to assign a villager to chop down trees would be to right+click on a tree with the villager selected. There would be no way to send them to a grouping of trees since you'd need to have the trees selected as a group but you can't have two groups selected at once. You can create a set of instructions for the units to do by shift+clicking on a bunch of different stuff, and they'll complete them in the order you set. However with gathering nodes they just go to the first node, chop one set of wood, return the woo
  17. Age of Empires Online's unit AI. Say your villagers are chopping wood, you told them to go chop wood and they're chopping the shit out of that wood. In-fact, they chopped that wood so hard that the tree fell down (tree no longer provides wood and your villagers need to find another). There are trees all around the area that they were just chopping down that tree a minute ago, you'd expect them to just keep going, right? Me too, and for the most part the villagers understand this and move on to the next nearby tree, but some of these fucking asshole villagers decide they don't want to ke
  18. They're releasing two new civilizations soon and have said they'll use the F2P with premium content model they used for Greek and Egypt. They could make the 5th and onward civs cost money to simply play, but for now it looks like Japan would be F2P with the premium pack required if you ever wanted to play them in ranked PvP.
  19. i really liked what i played of the beta but the negative feedback on the full game has sorta turned me off, not sure if i should get back into it. What are people saying about it? I see lots of people complaining about how it doesn't play like AoE, but those people are retarded. I was never a huge AoE fan so there might be some subtleties I'm missing, but it plays a lot like AoE3 with an MMO-style hubworld. Tech issues getting installed have been a problem for everybody I know who has given it a shot, we've all got it working eventually though and nothing drastic was require
  20. Age of Empires Online Level 13 (of 40) currently and having a lot of fun with it. The game has a pretty weak first couple of levels and really only provides some difficulty once you get into the double digits for levels, but the MMO-style hubworld provides enough incentive to stick through the early game until it starts getting good. Plan on picking up the premium Greek civilization early next week, the game shoves the premium content into your face a little too often. It's somewhat off-putting but everything gets unlocked for $20, I'll look it as a great $20 game instead of a solid F2P ga
  21. Yeah the glimpses are what I was referring to. Perhaps in future DLC, should let them know it'd be a cool feature on the dev forums.
  22. The game starts showing you the crimes at the beginning of a case after a couple of missions, if that's what you were after.
  23. What kind of trouble? I had some issues figuring out whether I was supposed to choose 'Doubt' or 'Lie' so I made the habit of accusing them of lying anytime I knew they weren't telling the truth. You can back out of an accusation without anything bad happening (as long as you don't pick a piece of evidence), and it'll give you some additional dialogue (Phelps' accusation) which sometimes helps choosing between the two options.
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