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Hot Sauce

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Everything posted by Hot Sauce

  1. Holy shit this was announced in March 2019.
  2. If you're gonna spend a grand how come you aren't looking at the Alienware OLED?
  3. Charging $60 for a PvPvE game is retarded anyway. Shit'll be F2P before the end of the year.
  4. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. DF has said multiple times now that the blurred image is only visible on capture, not in the headset.
  5. Please, point out where foveated rendering on PSVR2 is limited to a central, unblurred 45 FOV.
  6. Humans do not register detail the same for the entire 130 FOV. What a stupid post.
  7. No, it doesn't because it's in your peripheral vision and you don't notice it.
  8. Dyno never said what timescale he was using. 4 years is nothing on a cosmic scale. The Switch's relevance wasn't even worth acknowledging to a universe that's 13.7 billion years old. You could say the same about human civiliation, too, but the point remains: TSHBO.
  9. Hot Sauce

    AFAB people

    One state senator wants journalists to register with the state or face fines as a way to curb negative press? Meh, one guy who is a cunt. One journalist wants to talk about Endometriosis affecting men? Hold the fuck on, can you guys fucking believe how insane the left is.
  10. Nameless King had a name you just forgot it you senile fuck
  11. Sony is going to release second and third installments in series' that haven't even been announced yet before most of those Microsoft titles see the light of day.
  12. What led you to believe the current state of insulin manufacturing was a regulatory hurdle?
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