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Everything posted by nitric

  1. He was actually playing 4D Chess while the rest of us were playing Checkers
  2. I'm gonna have to hand it to Trump. He single handedly destroyed the GOP. I'm a fan.
  3. I'm expect gun shots to the back for self defense from the coppers
  4. You're constantly spending hours and days binge watching TV shows and finishing videogames alone so you can write meaningless mini reviews on the forum and telling others to go outside? Lmfao.
  5. All you right wingers fled this forum because you can’t take an L like your supreme leader. We’re discussing politics here but interesting that you guys avoid these types of threads because it makes your dictator look bad. Cute that you think this is Trump just denying the elections. This basically reaffirms what he was impeached for. Remember that witch hunt and fake news?
  6. You've been taking L's for two gens now. Shut the fuck up.
  7. This will help dems flip the senate. If $1400 less means no more senate leader bitch McConnell I’m okay with it.
  8. You seem mad that my dad added me to his credit card account a few years ago when I was 12. LOL
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