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Everything posted by nitric

  1. Ghajini is actually a pretty good movie. It’s about this guy who suffers from short term memory loss. like something you’re going through every time you experience a game breaking bug in cyberpunk and pretend it never happened.
  2. He’ll end up buying something worse than a 1660 and cry about it
  3. The story split is what made it into a masterpiece. When the two stories are sewn in together towards the end. FUCK
  4. Not let retarded rednecks into the force. Bachelors degree should be a minimum requirement.
  5. Link? Or are you gonna talk out of your ass? $1500 fuckup build to play on low LOL. idiot.
  6. I’ve never complained that. You also got dementia bruh?
  7. I get 60-70 FPS maxed out at 1440p. You also retarded? Should’ve put a little more effort into building that PC of yours LOL.
  8. This is fresh coming from you LOL. spending $1500 and being clueless to play cyberpunk at 25FPS
  9. Do you actually call yourself a racer after buying a toy steering wheel?
  10. Rename this disaster to cyberpunk 2020
  11. Their transition to third party is starting sooner than expected.
  12. https://www.ign.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-for-xbox-one-and-playstation-4-review
  13. Imagine supporting this janky trash on consoles. There’s a reason why CDPR stock dipped 29%
  14. nitric


    DM's exist for a reason fgt
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