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Everything posted by nitric

  1. He receives positive attention about COVID because he actually makes sense. Damn this thread backfired on Ike
  2. Not talking about JonB. Check out the latest thread on the other side.
  3. Can we just get rid of this racist piece of shit? There is literally no confirmed information on who or what this guy is yet.
  4. Yeah he seems to be baiting or is heavily misinformed, I don't think you even warrant a reply anymore Twinkie.
  5. I can't even find an english source, no one is really reporting this
  6. I've kind of looked into Canadian immigration. But if he wins it may become a real possibility. This country has gone to hell and will deep dive into it with him for another four(8?) years.
  7. I think one thing we need is our education system to be reformed. There are way too many uneducated people that have voting privilege's.
  8. Finished Cobra Kai last night. God damn this show is surprisingly fantastic.
  9. "make up their own rules" LMAO Twinkie definitely failed US History in High School
  10. This forum SUCKS. But I can't stop coming back after I make an attention whoring thread about leaving Fuck dude you're almost 40
  11. You're literally one of the worst posters on this forum. You got shit on NeoGaf and came back here thinking things would be different.
  12. Awh does this mean you're gonna quit SW again and come back like a little bitch?
  13. You realize this isn't the first that a president isn't declared winner on election night, right? And that it has happened in past elections? Did DailyMail not cover this for you to skim through?
  14. I love how Trumptard doesn’t acknowledge the topic of this thread. Texas GOP trying to toss out 120k+ votes and now Nevada GOP is trying to get rid of votes too. Don’t even get started on voter suppression in these red hillbilly states. Fuck the GOP and fuck anyone that supports that.
  15. I forgot how exciting Build the wall campaign was. How dividing the country is so fucking exciting right? Jfc
  16. Because Trump supporters haven’t been shutting down highways and and ramming into cars on the highway, right? The riots will be from both sides. It’s just that one side are gun touting retards. Funny how he continues to say Biden hides in his basement while Trump is literally doing that right now
  17. How can anyone defend this type of behavior? How can any sane person be okay with this? my prediction is Trump is gonna be leading at the end of tomorrow night and will officially claim victory and his supporters will follow. The following days will be chaos with the rest of the votes being counted and Biden will be declared president.
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