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Everything posted by nitric

  1. Imagine you desperately want to be a PS5 owner but your inner lemming won't allow it so you buy Playstation accessories and hype Playstation ports and then try to claim ownage on an internet forum.
  2. You're playing a broken PS4 port with a PS5 controller. How desperate can one look
  3. And you looked at yourself in the mirror and said fuck I still dress like I'm 15 year old rat and troll an internet forum as well.
  4. Because people are dying to play _____ on the new Xbox. I’ll let you fill in the blank
  5. You should super spread to the rest of your alpha family to own the libs
  6. So...fake news. The right are the master of projection. Twinkie out here calling facts fake news while his last few threads have been actually debunked as fake news
  7. To anyone that wants to watch Fucker Carlson embarrass himself and Faux News. This is why Faux News is one of the worst news sources around.
  8. When asked on a public forum, he shit his pants and couldn't answer and replied with "Stand by and stand back" which gave the proud boys a gigantic boner. Had to get major blowback to take his words back. What about QAnon?
  9. I don't think you understand how this chart works. And this thread is dumb as fuck. It's like you turn your brain off before clicking on the Politics side of this forum. Last two recessions were caused by republican presidents and two democratic presidents brought the economy out of recession.
  10. Imagine thinking Trump is still presidential after years of name callin and bullying people online. Lmfao
  11. Might be the built up angst for being a lemming for the past few weeks
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