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Everything posted by nitric

  1. "Dont let it dominate your life!" Except when you die from it. Please vote this clown out of office by a landslide. I don't want to see a marginal victory for Biden.
  2. Yeah in a time of distress, not catch a deadly virus for a photo-op ala dictator-style.
  3. Better hope Bam and Goran don't come back in this series
  4. Apparently Pelosi is getting Trump health updates from the media. Lmao I doubt even Pence is getting any updates directly from Trump camp either.
  5. Pwees guys show him some sympathy he’s sick ;( he only mocked Hilary for being hospitalized with pneumonia that’s not the same!!
  6. This isn’t surprising considering all the stunts they’ve pulled so far. Lmao at trump signing his name in the middle of a blank paper for a photo op. The next 7 days are going to be interesting.
  7. Lmao the North Korean style health presser was embarrassing to watch
  8. But he's not, Trump is having trouble breathing right now because he's an old morbidly obese fat fuck. No amount of projecting or gaslighting will work here.
  9. Lmao Bhytre, Sheepkilla and ghostz on the same side. You already know if you're on the opposite side of these idiots, you're doing it right
  10. Hopefully Trump stops politicizing masks and the entire country can start wearing them and battle against Covid. But that won't happened because he caters to retards like you.
  11. Hopefully Trump stops politicizing masks and the entire country can start wearing them and battle against Covid. But that won't happened because he caters to retards like you.
  12. I like how it went from the Chinese Virus to COVID-19 in the Trump camp real quick.
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