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Everything posted by nitric

  1. I think there are consequences for openly supporting terrorism.
  2. Give him some time to pay someone on Fiverr for a photoshop request.
  3. He did upgrade. He focused on upgrading everything but his GPU and complains why he can't play games on high LowIQBlade
  4. I’m sure the girls that work at the deli find it charming
  5. You think Twinkie will survive if he didn’t post on system wars? His biggest accomplishment is becoming a mod here
  6. You’re named after a sandwich. Nothing romantic or attractive about that
  7. Show me a doctor that goes into an ICU COVID unit with just a single mask. Because that's the comparison you're making right?
  8. https://www.vice.com/en/article/gy893x/conservatives-are-whining-because-no-one-wants-to-date-them-vgtrn + fat + named Ruben, it must be tough for you.
  9. Did you lose your taste and smell? My fiance lost her smell for two days, still has her taste.
  10. Are you gonna post another torso pic of your man titties you overweight virgin
  11. It's a mask, it protects you and protects others from a deadly virus.
  12. Lmao imagine being a 5'1 35 year old virgin living with his grandma and hyping up pokemon snap
  13. OAN didn't report it yet? Most bipartisan votes to impeach a president in American history. Only president to be impeached twice. He can't stop WINNING.
  14. Republicunts should add apologists to their resumes. Because the whole "he meant this ;( he didn't say that, this is what he meant ;(" defense has been incredible for 4 years now
  15. The 190+ R's that voted nay make me sick. Hopefully a couple R senators have a spine to vote to remove him from office. I doubt it though.
  16. TLC should do an episode on you titled "Addicted to leasing"
  17. Imagine still being a Trump cuck lmfao. I don't feel bad for these R's for enabling him for four years. You reap what you sow
  18. I don't think Cocke is capable of understanding the meaning of the BLM protests and the riots it caused.
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