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Everything posted by nitric

  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-54110457?at_custom3=BBC+News&at_campaign=64&at_medium=custom7&at_custom2=facebook_page&at_custom1=[post+type]&at_custom4=F048D8BA-F399-11EA-807B-D7BD923C408C&fbclid=IwAR3by9dkmw843khN6mFj_E4CDpFWGX2hMRWG37CmXCGl-FDj6rPGM4iMHv0&fbclid=IwAR3JKrGwr2KnXChL-NcnOvIUFeygWDMCuuCTx1wrAQBtNRx70Pv2JwbuLPc Looks like Trump is asking his friends for help again This election is gonna be a cluster fuck, thanks to the republicans. The right not giving a fuck about election security
  2. Just wait for the PS5. PC doesn't have any games to warrant an upgrade like that. 2070S should last you a while. Esp since you game at 2k
  3. Buying anything but Logitech when it comes to mice
  4. I mean I can admit Lowry is a little better than Mike James.
  5. Holy shit How old are you again?
  6. Will you leave your third world village in Belgium to join the right during the civil war?
  7. Jimmy G Giannis with another second round exit
  8. I've owned an iPhone for a while now. Doesn't change the fact that you consistently make shit threads.
  9. Heat better close this out or they're in trouble.
  10. Just trying to gage if you've devolved into a covid denier. It's a pretty simple question that I asked.
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