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Everything posted by nitric

  1. Luka Doncic is fucking incredible. Playoff P
  2. You support a literal fascist/dictator wannabe. Fuck outta here.
  3. Day by day you're turning into DynoRetard, it's been an impressive transformation on your end
  4. I used to have a little bit of respect for republicans pre-Trump. Now I know some republicans are against Trump and are pretty vocal about it, but the idiots that are still voting for him in November can go fuck themselves for wanting a fascist dictator for a second term. Literally anti-American trash.
  5. Will it contain that cringey downtown sequence where they remind Superman who he is?
  6. This bout to be a landslide victory for Biden
  7. My MSI 2080ti came with a bracket to hold my GPU up from drooping
  8. Lmao I would assume begging would have a little shame, but it seems like he has no shame.
  9. I ain't even mad at being the fourth pick. I'm hoping that Wiseman kid drops to 4.
  10. All the ports you beg for are single player games, right? Why would I need PSN for single player games?
  11. You don't even know what you're talking about, you stupid bitch.
  12. I haven't paid for PS+ for two years now. Try again, maybe with the hours of Dota 2 I've played two years ago.
  13. Source to where Demon Souls on PS5 is 30 fps?
  14. Begging for ports, the weekend is truly almost here
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