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Everything posted by nitric

  1. Can someone verify if this is shopped, or a real pic? This is fucking horrifying to look at
  2. Does the clown realize, he can't do that? He can't be sitting president when he loses this November come January. So how about it republicans, Fascism is where it's at right? IF a dictator said this in a foreign country, the USA would be all over them.
  3. Are you talking about the bill where republicans wanted a new FBI building and a bunch of military shit that we don't need tacked onto the Dems relief bill?
  4. Literally the king of projection and deflection. He says so much yet says nothing at all. Worst fucking scum on this planet.
  5. Imagine putting 25+ hours into a game, completing it with pre-determined hate for it
  6. I really hope so. I want a Portland-Miami finals.
  7. He's too busy dividing the nation with his racism, bigotry and sexism.
  8. Are you mistaking me for someone else? I've always supported Bernie over Biden. But this election, it's anyone but Trump. He's done nothing in his first four years but set us back decades and is a national and worldwide embarassment.
  9. It's more a vote against Trump, than a vote for Biden for me. I'd rather have Bernie as president.
  10. Same I kinda wanted to wait until Jan-Feb, but DS and MM at launch means I'm buying a Quintuple at launch
  11. Notice how you aren't talking about this topic that's very anti-Right (Trump hiring cronies per usual) but swaying the argument with bullshit like this? You do see your transparency as a conservative on this forum, right?
  12. Do you include gay sex when you talk about your sex life on the internet?
  13. Probably because people got furloughed or their hours got cut? Get out of your bubble. I know engineers that work Amazon delivery after their day job. It's easy $1k.
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