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Everything posted by nitric

  1. A simple Google search would have gotten you an answer. But yes, it's been discontinued.
  2. Finally you make a decent thread. And I agree, the rich are getting richer, the middle class and lower class are getting fucked. If this virus affected the rich the way it affected the rest of the country, we would have a vaccine by now.
  3. I know you're avoiding this thread now that Hot Sauce dismantled you, but did you ban me for this comment? @Twinblade
  4. "... they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of 4 years" He's just kidding, right guys? Fucking fascist clown
  5. I'll take a perm-ban if that man has read more than a paragraph of the constitution. This is who the right is voting for The damage control will be "bubu he was just kitting ;("
  6. That's fine. But is he reversing the damage he's already caused? No point pausing now when he's already done things to slow down the mail system.
  7. Lmao when your news source is Fox News and DailyMail, facts don't matter anymore.
  8. Why does it not surprise me that you're anti-Trudeau
  9. Heat-Pacers series is the only interesting series in the East I hope the Heat make it to the finals Jimmy deserves it
  10. Does Canada not have a government or something?
  11. You remember him saying this too right? He claimed that I twisted his words when he word for word said he doesn't research the topics he talks about. Lmfao.
  12. Another thread right-wingers will avoid. Someone post a shitty meme Trump posted in here to bait them out.
  13. I just played 15 minutes of it and I'm in love with the combat
  14. That's the most interesting part is when a shit-bait thread is made about him posting some stupid video, they all come out of the woodwork.
  15. Why do the right-wingers avoid commenting on this shit like the plague? You guys are voting for him in 2020 right? So defend this shit.
  16. Are there any benchmarks for the game yet? I'm hoping to max this out at 60
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