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Everything posted by nitric

  1. It's boring when there are no lemmings to dominate.
  2. Vote this clown out. Literally had made this country into a national and worldwide embarrassment.
  3. I can't tell if this is more exciting than Euro Truck Simulator.
  4. Are you suffering from short term memory loss? You literally admitted you don't fact check or research and just post nonsense that you personally believe a few weeks ago. Cooke made this thread as a bait thread, got dismantled by Jerry and is crying. This thread is a joke and should be locked.
  5. So am I allowed to spew shit without doing any research? Does that qualify for adding to the discussion? Or are you above the rules?
  6. What's more frustrating is when a conservative pretends to be a liberal and has talking points from r/MAGA.
  7. So we know where you stand when you post embarrassing threads like this.
  8. Imagine getting dominated by Jerry. Cocke, just admit you're a conservative. It's getting embarrassing now.
  9. Too bad Hitler doesn't have an ounce of empathy in his body :
  10. Did you seriously just skim over my post or even read it fully? You're literally a fucking moron.
  11. Did you have a stroke while typing that?
  12. Finally got around to finishing TLOU2. Game of the gen
  13. Ever heard of quiet fans? I have my PC right next to me and I can barely hear anything. But do tell me about how it will be loud without having done ANY research. You seriously can't be this dumb, I hope that job you got isn't in IT.
  14. I like how all the right wingers are active in this thread but not a peep in the blatant post office corruption threads. Hmm
  15. You don't know shit yet spew garbage out of your mouth. At least google something before embarrassing yourself.
  16. I'm on month three of P90X. Best home workout ever. I'm gonna continue month three and just cut some of the cardio since I want to gain a bit more muscle. Trying to get to 12% bodyfat, currently at 18
  17. I'm sure he has nudes of Alphonse that got him his moderator position here
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