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Everything posted by nitric

  1. They have a decent young core. I'm most jealous of Dallas. Luka is going to be a superduper star for a very long time.
  2. My Bulls are still 5 years away from being relevant, feels bad man
  3. I heard the fast travel in Sushi is unique, can anyone explain why?
  4. What's everyones NBA teams itt?
  5. I guess this qualifies as trolling, edited
  6. Imagine having this and the next Spiderman game. Oh wait I don't have to
  7. He's saying people in low income housing are criminals. Like how he said all Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers.
  8. Holy shit. This might be the most blatant he's ever been. Can't wait to hear the right wing defense though.
  9. Everyone thought the games were running on Series X while watching the Microsoft conference, they are showcasing their games FFS..and later revealed it was all running on PC for whatever hardware difficulties they're having. You are an idiot. You can have your last comment or whatever to think that you won an argument or something. Lmfao
  10. Lmao you know that's for systemwars right? Like how you always bring up Dota and shit. Am I hurting your feelings when I call you Lemij? I'll stop if I am. You're calling him out for not knowing it was running on a PC when he was doing a reaction video watching a video for the first time...you know..how reaction videos work. You are either retarded or trolling to look like a retard. You have posters like Vini and RetardCop backing you, just think about that.
  11. How am I ganging up on you when you’re calling an engineer dumb because he disagrees with you? You’re just an idiot that says stupid shit and gets shit on, willingly it seems.
  12. And calling us fags makes you cool or something? Lmao dude you lost. You’ve been losing since the halo finite reveal. Get used to it.
  13. Lmao you sound like an Xbox kid from 2004. Pretty sure you’re losing it itt
  14. It seems like you’re having a hard time understanding what a reaction video is.
  15. When you watched the conference. You knew it was all running on PC? Lmao you’ve tagged in for retardcop and doing an impressive job
  16. Why should he know that? He said it’s a reaction video yet you’re treating it like he did some in-depth research analysis. Lmao you are an idiot
  17. I haven’t played DOTA2 in years yet you’re so stuck on bringing that up for whatever reason
  18. Microsoft needs to turn into a third party studio and stop with this Xbox nonsense. I think after the series x flops, they will consider it because the gamepss will probably be a success
  19. Imagine trying to convince a gaming forum you aren’t a lemming and then defending it until death when the Xbox is attacked
  20. Yeah I watched him during undergrad when I was learning C++. Anything else you want to ask? Or are you going to keep acting like a butthurt lemming
  21. I’m a software engineer by degree and profession That built my own game engine for my thesis
  22. I think Lemij is confusing what kind of content this reaction is versus an actually in-depth analysis. He said he saw the Xbox logo and assumed it was running on an Xbox and then later addresses it and corrected himself on Twitter.
  23. Keep pretending you aren’t a lemming. It’s not convincing anyone
  24. And you’re a cop in some bumfuck town that can’t leave a gaming forum Cherno is one of the smartest and talented coder/engineer that gives back to the community.
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