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Everything posted by nitric

  1. Are lemmings attacking a game engine engineer that’s giving his analysis and reaction (which 99% of the community reacted similarly)? He gives back to the community with his game engine series and has deviated a little to do some reactions for a change. He can do whatever he wants with his channel, including raping and pillaging lemmings. I’m about to make a few YouTube accounts and subscribe to him
  2. Cherno is godly. He taught me the basics of C++ when I needed a crash course. And this video is even godlier. He compares it to Halo 3
  3. I don’t own an Xbox. So no, I’m not a non gamer.
  4. Since he got a full time job a few weeks ago
  5. I guess that gives me more credit to call them a non gaming company
  6. Gabe Newell also leads a non-gaming studio so it makes sense.
  7. Now you know which games to play next, dammit GD those are some godly action games.
  8. So the Redskins name is now the Football team?
  9. I wonder how many of the white people picked another race to prove a point
  10. When I came back, all I saw was you defending the Xbox
  11. Damn you just owned yourself. LemijHBO
  12. I knew the lemmings were dead when I was playing Halo 2 MP on PC with a Dual Shock 4
  13. I can't tell if you're baiting or not but I was expecting like half of the list to be crossed out
  14. Now update the list where you can play those games ONLY on Xbox.
  15. Lmao didn't someone make a thread about this on a serious note and actually talked like this guy in the video? Like cancel teeth whitening toothpaste or some shit
  16. Interesting to see if anything will actually happened with this. I highly doubt it, considering how corrupt the Senate is right now.
  17. If Halo comes to Playstation. That’s the nail in the coffin for the lemmings
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