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Everything posted by nitric

  1. I've stood in line to buy Halo 1, 2, and 3 and have thousands of hours into it's MP. It doesn't look like classic Halo. It looks like something that they rushed and have to get it out to the market.
  2. What was so great about the gameplay? Graphically we can all agree it's shit-tier. But even the gameplay was dull. You're truly blinded by your fanboyism.
  3. Is that what they’re doing with Finite????
  4. Just goes to show MS’ top first party studio are talentless hacks. Man lems are in for it next gen. It’s gonna be worst than this gen for them.
  5. Lemmings think in five months the game is going to drastically look different. After the team spent 4.5 years to shit out that demo for the world to see hoping for a miracle
  6. I’m not surprised lemmings are the kings of damage control. They literally sound mentally disabled. I guess that’s where he got his nickname from
  7. He should have an easy time with this since it’s using last gen tech
  8. He’s trying to be so reasonable when the entirety of Xbox flopped hard but when things go his way his autism goes into overdrive you aren’t fooling anyone
  9. Post your thoughts when you can, I might try to get it next weekend
  10. Found Remij's initial reaction to Halo Finite
  11. Quick get the bodying in before he makes another port begging thread
  12. This kid couldn’t get attention in real life so he decided to come back and continue posting like a mentally disabled lemon
  13. Make another thread about it fgt You’re literally the lowest denomination on this site
  14. Lmao this retard is back? Talk about having no will power
  15. Don’t try to couple the ps5 with this DOA trash console. It actually has AAA-caliber launch lineup that looks the part. If demon souls is at launch then MS should focus on the PC market and axe the series ex
  16. They need to delay Halo Infinite then cancel it and let the franchise rest in pieces.
  17. It looks like an i5 with a 1070 can max that game out at 60@4k
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