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Everything posted by nitric

  1. I can't get over this. This is MIND BLOWINGLY BAD
  2. Having gamepass is better than AAA-first party exclusives, right?
  3. Translation: And for the greatest happiness of: a game in the world of FABLE. But in MMO (sorry, not FABLE 4).
  4. You're getting Horizon scraps three years later, calm down. Playstation is still the alpha in gaming.
  5. Lmao the thread content with your sig is just perfection
  6. This was basically a big fuck you to Xbox fanboys by stating everything shown is also available on PC
  7. There wasn't a single game showcased that looked better than this Naughty Gods are going to DESTROY everything with the PS5
  8. I'll take a perm if this scores above a 7 @ GS
  9. @HALOmij I'll update our ban bet that Halo Finite won't score above 84 on MC. A full 10 points below TLOU2
  10. This show was the WOAT. They started off with an underwhelming Halo gameplay demo and ended it with a Fable CGI trailer. It transported me back into 2005
  11. It looks like Spiderman MM, Horizon 2 and Demon Soul's is going to FUCK Xbox for the next couple of years.
  12. https://gfycat.com/deficientsimplebullfrog The pop-in is Xbox 360 level bad. Damn they really mailed it in for this "demo"
  13. Thoughts on my new sig? @HALOmij
  14. They need to have 343 stop making Halo games and give it to another studio. This is embarassing
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