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Everything posted by nitric

  1. Is this the worst enemy character design in gaming history? I'm no artist but god damn that looks BAD.
  2. I updated the OP with some high res screens from the reveal
  3. The gameplay did not look great or even interesting for Halo. And I’m not even baiting. They couldn’t even showcase the grapple and the gravity gun aspect looks janky. This looks like a spin-off for the series because nothing about it looks interesting. 343 killed Halo and this was the funeral.
  4. A random NPC in the last of us 2 has better character animation and textures
  5. That I don't need an Xbox and can play everything on my PC? Definitely a big win for MS....big loss for Xbox.
  6. More like major CE vibes in the animations department
  7. Looks like RetardCop won't come back after that shitshow
  8. Boxart: (Brought to you by Cyclo) Screens:
  9. The best looking games thus far have been Destiny 2 and STALKER 2
  10. There's still 25 mins in the show. Have faith
  11. There won't be a single game in this showcase that has animations better than TLOU2. Naughty Gods are already in next gen
  12. We will have to wait for the PC community to get the high rest texture mods going. Holy FUCK this game looks like early current gen
  13. You can tell he's dead inside while typing this comment The game doesn't even look better than Doom Eternal
  14. Xbox 360 animations I'm too spoiled by TLOU2
  15. Damn this pre-show is dominating Halo It really is a good bathroom break for this show
  16. So it is an Xbox and PC show. Don't get technical with me. All these games will be available on both platforms.
  17. You can't run away to GameSpot for this though RemBITCH
  18. 1v1 me in Halo 2 rn, lets go. Best of 3. Loser gets permed?
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