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Everything posted by nitric

  1. I’m down for a perm bet. Halo won’t score higher than TLOU2 on MC. You in?
  2. And what changes will a republican leader bring to “save” Chicago? I can’t even tell if you’re trolling or just being naive. It took your republican cult leader 140k+ American deaths to put on a god damn mask. So I’m excited to hear this.
  3. Halo died with Bungie. How the mighty have fallen. I’ll probably try this on PC for to own the lemmings
  4. A sitting US "president" is wishing well to a human sex trafficker. He's not even trying to hide it. Even Fox News tried to hide it for him
  5. He got Roger Stone (traitor) out of prison, so this isn't surprising or anything.
  6. Looks like the lemmings tagged in lemij for retardcop
  7. I was gonna well my switch after playing Metroid 4 but this looks like vaporware now
  8. Enjoy the south side. It’s a completely different world.
  9. That’s the case for my old build. It just has a side window. It was an okay case but has issues with dust build up inside
  10. This can’t be real, right? He definitely had someone take the SATs for him. Literally the dumbest fuck in Washington
  11. @Twinblade you got that Lian Li case?
  12. Lian Li PC-011 DW Bear case Ive ever owned
  13. In some form. Interview, tweet, on stage whatever. The more he talks, the more deranged he sounds.
  14. Best friend with Trump, I'm betting Trump will slip in the N word before 2020 ends.
  15. Said this on a live radio show. Yo what year is this? He sounds like one of those very fine people.
  16. I thought when people make these type of threads, they don't reply and just leave?
  17. Shit poster back in the day. And still a shit poster.
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