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Everything posted by nitric

  1. Sounds like something a dictator would do. Picking party over country lol
  2. No exclusives If I want to play a multiplat, I will play the superior PC version.
  3. Fair enough, I feel like the politics board made this forum more active. But that also brought a lot of racism. As long as you guys are strict on that along with it not being on the main board I think it's fine. I mean you banned a few people and the racism on this forum went down by ten fold
  4. Makes sense, clearly lemmings have no gaming to do so they sit on metacritic making new accounts and giving PS4 exclusives 1 star reviews
  5. Facts. PS5 for exclusives. PC for multiplats. Lemons are dead last tied with mobile gaming.
  6. You should've watched this guide before building your PC.
  7. This isn't common knowledge? I have eight fans in my case and didn't use a single splitter.
  8. It’s literally been the same process forever besides the cooling
  9. I don't even know who you are besides the fact that many people on here refer to you as RetardCop, and I can see why just by posting here for a month.
  10. Maybe if you didn't post like you have a mental illness, people could have thoughtful discussions with you
  11. Finished the second season of narcos. I almost felt bad in the last 20 minutes
  12. Imagine fighting for third place. Last place lemmings the most owned faction in gaming history
  13. I haven’t seen a good self ownage thread in a while. Thanks
  14. Can’t wait to play this on my PC at 144Hz. TLHBO.
  15. You upset he got himself banned for a month for being a racist idiot?
  16. I have 10 on my pc so this shouldn’t be an issue for me
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