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Everything posted by nitric

  1. Let’s ban this kid too for his racism from last week
  2. Enforce this shit. I’ve been avoiding the spoiler thread so this thread is necessary
  3. Wtf? You never played the first? Fuck is wrong with you
  4. How is the start? I’m about to pick up my copy after my workout
  5. Lmao you got put in your place for being a fucking moron
  6. Lmao the stream lost 45k viewers in a span of 15 minutes
  7. Let's see what they do to Battlefield.
  8. I’m waiting for Twinkie’s expert graphical analysis once gameplay footage is released.
  9. I haven’t even bought the xflop one lmao. How does it feel to be disconnected from reality?
  10. Lemmings are the bottom of the barrel type trash
  11. ^ case in point. I guess low IQ is also a thing with lemming trolls
  12. Microsoft should become a third party publisher and stop with this Xbox nonsense with all those games on PC. stick to the ecosystem MS
  13. Preordered at Best Buy for curbside pickup
  14. I honestly think whoever is a lemming is trolling. You can’t be supporting something that continues to disappoint. That’s why I always make the comparison of lemmings and trump supporters. They just don’t see it or they’re trolling.
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